
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/29 11:45:06
my mum是用watch还是watches? 【改为同义句】Pop music is more popular than rock musicRock music is _______ ______ than pop music.Rock music ________ _______ ______ ________ pop music how to face the global financial crisis for China?用英语写一段话 I thank that's__piece of music at the moment A.more popular B.the most popular C.popular 为什么有叫China Crisis的外国乐队?中国危机合唱团(China Crisis),这个名字到底跟中国有什么关系,是什么意思? We Chinese can work wonders,that is,we can make the impossible possible. He organized supply flights, for example, to affected areas. to affected areas 是什么意思? 英语作文"White a descrption(描述) of the women you have talked about.Plan your writing as follows.Make a plan.White down you all the ideas you want to use in your descrpition.Each idea will help to make a paragraph(短评).Then separate(区别) Don't try to be so affected. 英语语法:How wonderful a you have made.本句哪里错误 to的用法解释说明带to的句子 as well as与also的区别 "we are usually the ones affected"这句话是什么用法? 地球在多少年前有地下水 地球地下水离地面有多少米?是不是地球每块地底下都有地下水? 地下水占地球水量的百分比? Farmer should try to make sure the crops are not affected by disease.句型转换.Farmer should try to make sure the crops — — — disease.看清楚是三个空. 在串、并联电路中,各处电压有什么关系?比如;在串联电路中,电压~在并联电路中,电压~ Scientists have already made robots to walk and dance 改错 Scientists have already made robts walk and dance.否定句 Some scientists have already made robots walk and dance.为什么要用 walk and dance? Scientists have made robot ___ like man1.Scientists have made robot ___ (walk)like man.2.I'm interested in __ you will take part in the sports meeting.A.if B.whether C.weather D.when also,as well ,too,either的区别急用啊 北京奥运圣火是在几点几分熄灭的?记住是几点几分熄灭的 奥运火炬为什么刮风下雨都不会熄灭? 谁能告诉我奥运火炬的工作原理?奥运火炬不管什么天气都能燃烧,可我就不明白它怎么能在各种环境中燃烧起来呢?底层气体如何配比的? 用勾股定理解决,一个猎人在O点处发现一只野兔正在他的正前方60米处的A点以10米/秒的速度沿水平方向奔跑,已知猎枪子弹的飞行速度是610米/秒.请问,若猎人向野兔正前方11米处瞄准并开枪,能 在应用勾股定理解决实际问题时,应先(),然后把直角三角形的某条边表示好,再利用勾股定理解决问题. 奥运圣火会不会熄灭啊 灯泡用一会儿就闪 怎么回事儿 我家灯老闪为什么 电灯泡怎么总是闪呢、应该怎么办呢?