
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/14 16:29:14
Long island,an island that forms the southern part of NEW YORK,has __of forty-two of the states.A.as a greater population B.a population greater thanC.more than a great population as thatD.a greater population than that选哪个?为什么呢? Plesase help me translate the sentence in ChineseI forgot to put the sentence:Application Access Scheduling mary's being ill.为什么不能用mary..为什么一定要用mary's ..是不是因为后面是ing形式动词,所以人称代词要用所有格.. i feel ill he feels ill 这2个句子对吗? 我生病了/他生病了 ill 可数吗?第二个feel不是感官动词吗? 不加s吗? 让我们各自找寻美好未来用英语怎么说要比较准确的 The excerpt The Other Side of the Island was chosen from Chapter___ in Rubinson CrusoeA.ⅨB.ⅪC.ⅩD.Ⅷ POM会浮于水还是沉于水? 塑料浮于水怎么办我是做塑料的,请问穿孔塑料浮于水面怎么让它沉于水 为什么海绵宝宝活在水里不会浮起来? 英语翻译Some microorganisms originally sensitive to the action of antibiotics,especially staphylococcus,have developed resistant strains.This acquired resistance imposes on the long-range value of the drugs a very important limitation,which is no 英语不错的同学帮个忙呗,1.Color-blind people often find it difficult to (D )from blue and green.A.separateB.compareC.contrastD.distinguish2.The woman is a ( )offender and has been arrested five times this year for shoplifting.A.persiste First,put a peach seed in the soil.对该句提问, OUR TOWN怎么样 有没有能人能用英文介绍our town中人物的性格 莘字意思 莘是什么意思 莘芈什么意思同学的呢称,不知道是什么意思,请各位帮助解答一下,谢谢各位了!~~ 莘字什么意思? 5只脚的动物是什么 请问,红糖有营养吗,还有红糖是怎么喝 我买了一袋纯正红糖,可冲了以后发现表面飘了一些类似海绵的东西,请问能喝吗?是什么物质? 醉漾轻舟,信流引到花深处.尘缘相误.无计花间住.烟水茫茫,千里斜阳暮.山无数.乱红如雨.不记来时路.谁写的 蜂蜜上面怎么会浮着一层白白的沫 尘缘旧梦花相似什么意思 用英语表达渴望和平,可不可以用动词crave,是应该用crave for peace,还是crave peace put some soil into the hole 请问soil和into之间填什么啊put some soil into the hole请问soil和into之间填什么啊 医生说谎对病人有什么好处? assume和presume到底都有什么区别? Being可以做英文名么? pick up little bad habit 大学作文:《to lie or not to lie》不少于120词 .急用英语作文 写一篇题目是Why i choose to be a nurse的英语作文,字数150左右.我要符合一个大专一年级的水准.