
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/02 13:04:21
There aren't any dinosaurs today.(同义句) (_____) is a good chance (_____ )them to go abroadA.This; for B.It; of C.It; for D.That; of 正确答案是C,为什么不能选B,they和good不是没有主系表关系吗 They hear the _____ is good for them to go outA.tripB.weatherC.lessonD.trip 完美设陷 THE TRAP怎么样 THE SURROGACY TRAP怎么样 That big f___ offered us a good chance to go abroad.根据首字母完成单词 “伏案”的意思是什么?在8点以前啊! this is the ________(child) playhouse 汝从东厢扶案出的汝是什么意思 this is the child's spoon变为复数 伏案的意思啊 伏案疾书的意思快 “搞不明白”用英文怎么说 最好可以是一个单词 说英语时,吐词不清楚怎么办?我在老师那学习,一到我说英语时我就十分紧张,说出来就结结巴巴的,吐词也不怎么清楚,应该怎么解决,平时说话也不会这样,自己一个人下去练习说英语 跪求以Z字打头的英文名本人是个男生,英文名字不要太大众化了,内涵要好 为Z字母开头的,跪谢有更多的吗 I live in First Avenue那错了 my school 牧童评画怎么翻译 急!解答! 《牧童评画》“处士笑然而之”中“然”是什么意思? 《牧童评画》“处士笑然而之”中“然”是什么意思? 牧童评画中的处士笑而然之中的然是什么意思 英语翻译要原文!黄荃画飞雁,劲,足皆展.童曰:“飞鸟缩头则展足,缩足则站头,无两展者.”验之,信然.一句一句翻译! 城市轨道交通与哪门学科有关 什么叫作 '城市轨道交通集中监测' 有没有具体项目案例?[越详细越好] advanced math problem You know,I still love,don't ask me.I don't know how to do it.3Q your parents【 】【read】newpapers every day 英语翻译坐标q针对于x轴的斜率是多少,这个怎么翻译哦, ____your parents____(read) news papers every day 英语翻译6.Holiday:6.1 You are entitled to 20 working days paid holiday per year.This holiday entitlement may be subject to include all statutory public holidays.You may or may not carry forward holiday entitlement into the next holiday year,subje 英语翻译9.Confidentiality:Without prejudice to your general obligations implied by law you agree that you will not during or after your employment disclose or make use of or exploit any Confidential Information acquired by you during your employm People wear w_____clothes on snowy days