
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/28 06:41:51
The boy is nervous because he( ) his father's favorite vase.(括号内用break的什么形式) Don't ____ the vase.(break) Put ____ the vase,or your break it.填空 我这样的男人没有你想象中那么坚强 什么歌 “让我在没有你的地方坚强”是哪首歌的歌词? 你这是什么态度在跟我讲话英语怎么说 你这是什么态度在跟我讲话英语怎么说呢 Abby怎么读呀? abby怎么读 abby中文怎么读 Moon,Beenle,Abby这几个英文名咋读? he had a garden with a lot of trees,flowers and birds的同义句是哈? My family is sitting in a garden which with full of flowers.The sky is bright and with birds,I se Let's d____ the garden with some beautiful trees and flowers There are a small garden with flowers and trees in this block.有没有语法错误? ----Sorry,I broke up your vase.I will pay for you. -----______(多选)A.It doesn’t matter B.Never mindC.take it easy D.What a shame 十二生肖中最难分公母的动物? 如果太阳不再照射月亮,那月亮还能亮多久? How many cities are mentioned in the text? how many ideas arementioned in the test How many things are mentioned in the letter?文中提到了六样物品该如何回答呢?(用标准的回答方法)我知道答案,但是不知道如何回答. Where is the bus station?的同义句 老师叫我查明是谁打破了窗户 The teacher asked me to___ ___who broke the window 翻译:这个窗户是谁打破的?( )( )the window ( ) ( Please _________ who broke the window.A、find B、look for C、look at D、find out 帮老虎拔牙猜一个成语 老虎拔牙的故事是怎么样的?里看到的 八年级下思想品德复习提纲湖南师范大学出版的义务教育课程标准实验教科书 When should we plant the trees They (〉in spring.Aare plantedBmust plantCneed not plantDmust be planted at the beginning of term,we went plant trees around the mountain of town .went 是go的过去式,那么 plant为什么不加ed. 文言文张养浩传翻译 张养浩传,急 张养浩字希孟,济南人.幼有行义,尝出,遇人有遗楮币①于途者,其人已去,追而还之.翻译,注释,