
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/02 10:06:36
谁知道有一种精品,是放在桌面的,有个架子,架子挂着几个有绳子系住的小钢球,用一边的钢球撞击旁边的钢球,另一边的钢球就会被撞起来,然后循环很久这样.这种精品,礼物,叫什么. 沁园春雪与白雪歌送武判官归京写景的区别 I don't like apples,____I don't like bananas.填and 还是but? ( )about you?回答是I like apples 括号填什么? I don't like ( ) as you read.括号中填什么 I like swimming better than running.(改成同义句)I________swimming________running. I'd like to join the Sport Club .Because I like running .(对.Because I like running 提问)______ _______ you like to join the Sport Club 小球被轻绳系着,斜吊着放在光滑劈面上,小球质量为m,斜面倾角为a,向右缓慢推动劈,在这个过程中绳上张力如何变化,劈对小球支持力怎么变.请仔细说明 My sister gave me a call early this morning.改为同义句 My friend _____(call) me this morning. ---I don't like ice cream .---- I don't like it ,either.改为同义句空是 ---I don‘t like ice cream.---- _____ ________ _______ I like soccer and basketball变成一般疑问句用不用把and 改成or? like I vase the yellow green and.这些词怎么连词成句 如图所示,一个质量未m=3kg的均匀球体,放在倾角θ=30度的光滑斜面上,并被斜面上一个竖直的光滑挡板挡住,处于平衡状态.求球体对挡板和斜面的压力分别是多大? The pears are green.I like to eat y------ ones.------表示补充的单词哦! I like the yellow bike,she likes the green -----. 空格处填 one or ones 表示喜欢的四字词语 表示彼此欣赏的四字词语 说明越来越喜欢的四字词语 He gave the book back to me just now (改同意句) He ()the book ()me just nowThe child didn’t cry any more(同上)The child no()() 应该说this is the book he gave me还是this is the book he gave to me?为什么? 照明灯回路的零线有电流有电压吗?分别为多少?那不是有电流就有电压嘛?怎么会没电压呢? He gave me a book which is interesting. He gave me the book which is interesting. 哪句对 三相电接电机可工作.但有一相与零线接照明灯不亮测岀电压为110伏怎么回事.是缺相吗.但是电机可是工作的啊前两天都可以的什么都没动过就变成这样、零线没问题因为其它两相都有接照明 He gave me a book which is interesting.He gave me the book which is interesting.哪一句对 三相电接照明灯,没有零线怎么构成回路 把质量是4kg的木块放进水中,静止后木块露出水面体积是2x10的负3次方立方米,求木块在水中的体积和木块的密度各是多少? 将一质量为4kg的木块放入水中,静止后木块露出水面的体积为2x10的-3次方m3求1:木块受到的浮力 2:木块在水中的体积 3:木块的密度 稍微长一点点的古诗词,不要太短,大概200-350字就够了,最好是辛亥革命那时的.最好和《木兰诗》一样长呢, 介词+whom填空 she is the girl _____we are wait inThe babies ______the woman is looking are crying He is the boy ___i played soccer last week Do you know the girl ______our teacher is talkingThe math teacher is the person____i borred the bookShe i 220V回路中零线电人吗.为什么?达到那种程度才电人 零线与地线之间电压为220v我矿使用380v变压器采用中性点直接接地运行方式,煤矿用空压机刚做接地极,测量空压机外壳(接地极)与零线之间电压为220v是什么原因?