
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/13 15:23:00
其剑自舟中坠于水 中的于字用法不同的一项是其剑自舟中坠于水 中的于 字用法不同的一项是 A私拟作群鹤舞于空中B余常于土墙凹凸处 C己所不欲,勿施于人 D 每假借于藏书之家 指出下列各句中“之”的用法 而置之其坐 至之市 何不试之以足 是吾剑之所从坠急,今天回答 My father,my mother and我 这个"我"用me还是用I 还是两者都可以啊 My father and mother and my_______ 有关孔子,孟子,韩非子,庄子和老子的诗急用,臣感激不尽是他们写的文章 老子、孔子、孟子、苟子、韩非子、庄子各主张什么? 下列加点词语的意义和用法相同的一项是( ) A.其剑自舟中坠于水(于) 有似于此B.舟已行矣,而剑不行 今水已变而益多矣 求了啊、、、 初三英语题(说明理由)1.The duty of Project Hope is to help poor children,isn't it?Yes,it has built many schools ____those children can study happily.A.where B.when C.which D.who2.The house___i live___is very beautiful.A.that; 1.I had to go home on foot for i had___all the money.A.broken off B.let down C.used up out2.I____ hope you will B.does D.did3.There are about____ students in your school.A.two thousands B.two thousand C.thousands D.two thousand o The plane ___at 7:00 pm ,so I have to ve at the airport by .A has left B is to leave C will have left D leavesMany houses ___for teachers since last year A are building B built C have built D have been built That's a nice watch@ Is it ___in China?A m 几道初三英语改错题,请详细说明原因,1.Is your history teacher listened carefully in class?2.Lei Feng's name remembered by all Chinese people.3.The music is sounded beautiful Ⅲ.单项选择1.—You speak very good English.—Thank you.I spend as much time as I _____ learning learnC.can learning D.can learn2.—Hello,Li Min.What will you do tomorrow —I'm not sure.But if you go and do some shopping,so 1.多项式A和B互为相反数,A=X³-X²=1,则B=?2.()+3-X²-2X³-3+X-3X²5X³3.已知多项式M乘X的五次方+NX³+PX-Y=Y,当X=-2时,Y=5,当X=2时,求Y的值.4.已知A³+B³=27,A²B-AB²=-6,求(B&s 秦始皇统一文字、统一钱币,有什么意义 几道初一数学题 求解 急·~~回答好者 追加!1.已知-{-[-(-x)]}=-3,求x的相反数.2.有理数x、y在数轴上的对应点如图所示:(1)在数轴上表示-x、-y.(2)试把x、y、0、-x、-y这五个数从大到小的顺序 秦始皇统一中国前,文字与货币的不统一,说明了什么现象?统一后的历史发展有什么影响? 楚人有涉江者,其剑自舟中坠于水,遽契其舟, 1.∠α与∠1互余,∠β与∠2互余,且∠α=∠β,则∠1 ( ) ∠2?2.若∠α与∠β互余,且∠α=15°42′32〃,则∠β的补角是( )度?3.如果∠1与∠2互为余角,并且∠1=∠3,则∠2与∠3( )4.若一个角和它的 秦朝为什么要统一文字,统一货币,焚书坑儒,有什么影响?我们要开课! 楚人有涉江者,其剑自舟中坠于水, 楚人有涉江者,其剑自舟坠于水,遽契其舟,曰:“是吾剑之所从坠."舟止.故事大意 成语 含义 l mother is_________than father is the_____________ in my family.在tall taller tallest中 In my family ,my father is (tall)than my mother.He's often (quiet010点之前我想知道答案in my family,my father is()【tall】than my mother.he’s often()【quiet】.but when he talks with us he's very ()【funny】.my mother is 2 ye 征集“My Father” “My Mother”“My Family” 的英文小作文80字左右就好 There ()3 people in my family .My father is a doctor.He ()reading newspapers.My mother is a teacher.She likes () TV.I'm a student.I like () football.It () a sunny day yesterday.My family () to a park together.First,we were happy.We () a boat and () e 1.The handbag _______there is my ID card was lostA .that B.which which D./2.That is the cook ______came from LondonA.that B.which C./ D.who 楚人有涉江者 其剑自舟中坠于水含义 要详细说明.(3)---Hurry up,Jack!----Just give me five minutes to put my desk in ____.A time B line C order D shape(6)---Tell me something about the young man.----Well,he is wearing a black____and black trousers.He looks smart.A dress B clothe (33)---Is that the right way up?---Yeah.I____so.A hope B suppose C.expect D.wish (17)Glass is made___bottles.A from B out of C into D up(18) Linda forgot___the table.So she cleaned it again.A to clean B clean C cleaning D cleaned回答和答案不一致啊 (26)---Who did you find in the room?----_____.A.Nobody B.Nothing C.None D.Neither(30)---The medicine tastes so bad.----It surely does.But it will_____you good.A give B want C do D help 秦始皇统一文字有什么历史意义?我要一段话!不要太长也不要太短!五行就可以了!写写自己的想法,不要抄袭的!可以再长一些吗?尽量细致些!爱→譢风逝回答的挺好,参考网友们的再写写!