
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/01 21:54:03
什么药治蚜虫 请帮忙解释一个介词BY的用法An important factor in a market-oriented economy is the mechanism by which consumer demands can be expressed and responded to by producers.请问为什么需要这句话中的BY,这个BY是与什么对应的,删 治蚜虫用什么药 英语翻译Annual Meeting:The annual meeting of the Members of the LLC for the transaction of such business as may properly come before the meeting shall be held each year on the 1st Wednesday in September at 9:00 a.m.at a place and time to be set 包天仁英语奥林匹克初二年级2008版的在哪里购买?急 英语翻译to hold unto the said transferee his executors,administrators or assigns,subject to the several conditions upon which we hold the same at the time of execution hereof.and we the said transferee do hereby agree to take the said shares subj 2008年的英语奥林匹克答案, 英语翻译Each of the persons signing this Agreement (and any related documents) on behalf of the undersigned has the power and authority (and has been duly authorized) to execute the same. “客家”的来历我“家在大槐树下”是怎么回事? 客家人的起源是? 客家的来历? 几个初一下册的英语问题(鲁教版)高手进~一:在句子中,什么时候用kind,什么时候用kinds?二:about,around在句子中怎么用,区别又是什么?三:drum平常是用复数还是单数,若是复数,为什么?四:hel 如何消灭蚜虫 如何杀死蚜虫?香烟能否杀死蚜虫? 怎么杀死蚜虫?我家用水泡了几株油菜花,最近不知怎么了,就出了好多蚜虫~种类有红色的和绿色的. 如何消灭草花上的蚜虫 世纪钟怎么样 天津站前广场世纪钟分针长4m,从中午12时到下午2时,分针的尖端走了?m 广场的世纪钟,分针长4米,从12时30分到18时30分,分针的尖端走了多少米? 世纪广场和世纪钟是一个地方吗 客家人的形成由来以及现今的分布情况 Jane wants to buy a radio,but she cannot.She does not have 空 money.请问填空填much or enough She wants to buy a radio.对划线部分a radio进行提问 植物叶片上长有类似蚜虫的东西,应怎样去除? 家里养的“东南西北”叶片上好像长有类似蚜虫的东西,招来很多蚂蚁,之前用过烟草水,有一定效果,有什么办法可以根治? 蚜虫的食物是植物的什么? 植物长了蚜虫怎么办 我的植物上有蚜虫,该怎么办 什么植物能杀蚜虫 98²用平方差公式怎么算啊?要简便的! 英语词汇题 being of money,she managed to save enough for a holiday.being of money,she managed to save enough for a holiday.A.economic B.economical C.economics D.economies bigbang she can't get enough 中文歌词注明每一句是谁唱的 I,who___ your friend,will try my best to help you.(be)am?顺便能讲一下为什么吗?还有同位语的一些知识,