
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/12 23:10:27
数学的教学方法 关于数学教学方法? 数学概念教学方法具体是什么? 61的负二次方减去60的负二次方的平方根 X的平方-61X+60=0,怎么求出X=二分之一61±√61的平方-340.教下我公式法 谁能帮我找些人教小学数学同步教学方法 设x>=0,若函数f(x)=x+a/根号下x+1有最小值,求实数a的范围并求出此最小值 98万平方米等于多少亩 42.61万平方米等于几亩 102的二次方+98的二次方等于几 为什么新西兰地震火山活动频繁? It is easy to between Beijing to New York because of the plane快,明天就要交了!It is easy to t----- between Beijing to New York because of the plane 【连词成句】change,haircut,time,to,your,is,it,is,style,it,of,because,out. It's easy for us _____ to Hangzhou because of the getB.gettingC.getD.gets When I got to the shop.I found it ___ (close). 1 你能根据下面的信息算出金字塔的实际高度吗?测量结果:竹竿5米,它的影长3米;金字塔影长87.9米.你能想办法知道比它低3米的第二大金字塔的影长是多少米吗?2 A、B之间路程分成上坡、下 when they arrived there ,they found some foreigner (shop)in the store when I got there,I found the farm tools_____.(repair) 1.一台电视机的原价是960元,现在售价是720元,现价比原价降低了百分之几?2.小明骑一辆自行车,车轮的外直径是0.6米,如果车轮每分钟转100周,从家骑到学校要用15分钟,小明从家到学校的路程大约 When I got to the cinema,I found she,__(too,also)was there.选括号内一词并用其适当形式 there was ( ) sudden change in the weather and the rain came pouring downA aB the C /D some这句话的意思是什么 求:2010年度六年级数学教学计划 The elderly need spicial care in winter ,as they are __to sudden change of wA sensitive B sensible C flexible D positive 一道英语选择题.___________________________ for the elderly,the need to take it for walks may be___________________________ for the elderly,the need to take it for walks may be a disadvantage.A.However a dog may be a good companion B.Whatever a they need to change their clothes because they_ A.are all wet B.all are wet C.all wetD.all wetted 某县小学生运动会上,45所小学分别有20~50名运动员参加,请你设计一下编码方案. 图片的左右如何区分?我理解是我们面对照片,自己的右手对着的图片是左边,左手对着的图片是右边.即图片上的人的右手侧是右边,左手侧是图片左边.但报纸上刊登的图片却不是这样的,而是我 小学平面图中怎么分左右?有一排图形,问正方形的左边有什么?右边有什么?这里我们的左边或右边,还是指的图形的左边或右边啊?有点晕! 图中左右如何区分 函数=根号下x+2+根号下x方-x-2的定义域为如题 _____ you _____ (clean) your bedroom yesterday.用所给词的适当形式填空. i cleaned the bedroom's your (t——) to clean it todayt开头用什么