
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/11 20:37:45
英语翻译no sooner had some Native American leaders signed the Fort Laramie Treaty than settlers moved onto their lands. So you shoud try your best to prove that they're wrong. newspaper 和newspapers 的区别在哪里? newspapers 与newspaper的 区别 让自己从心底走出来是什么意思? 牛耕是谁发明的?求大神帮助 牛耕发明以前,人们是怎样耕田的 availability是什么意思 Write a passage about the information you get by mass media,it can be the news about art,sports,politics,etc. 简历中Availability什么意思 军队中说的availability是什么意思?原文中的单位是表示多少时间.那这个是指部队的什么指标? Availability中文什么意思 厂房的availability什么意思 225乘32的简便运算,拜托了╮(╯▽╰)╭ 不可数名词全部看成[ ].如:water is necessary for health. I saw boys at the cinemaI saw( ) boys at the cinema.A.the both B.many a C.both the D.the several 我觉得B对啊!不盛感激! It is __ reading this book carefully. A.worth B.well worth C.worthy D.worthwhile 答案选D, 分析题目 分析解释一下四个选项各怎么用 解释一下全句的意思 谢谢~ It's almost a mouth before I saw you off at the airport.I miss you a lot.Please accept my thinks for all that you had done to help me with my English.短文改错 MATLAB提问,我想得到Y与X之间的关系!但求不出来,syms xa=sym('atan(0.000056041*exp(0.0991*x))')b=sym('0.2674*exp(0.169454*x)+0.7486')I=sym('((0.2674*exp(0.169454*x)+0.7486)*0.0066^3)/12+(0.0169*b*0.00066)')y=sym('(pi*465*0.0169*4.5./cos( 在matlab里想表达当x>0时取x1怎么写 matlab y=x^2-c方程式是給予y=x^2-c ,x給予-2~2,c給予-2~0.5,abs(y-x) 绿树荫荫 这样的词语还有吗? 大吃一惊的反义词? 大吃一惊的近反义词 incorrect version of lord _res.dll 读了《秋》“湖波上荡着红叶一片,如一叶扁舟上面坐着秋天.”你仿佛看到这样的风景:.呃呃呃呃呃呃呃呃呃呃呃呃呃呃呃呃呃呃呃呃呃呃呃呃呃呃呃呃呃呃呃呃呃呃呃呃噩噩噩噩噩噩噩噩 冷血无情 的反义词 无情的反义词是什么 绝情的反义词是啥? 无情的反义词是什么?()的音符(六年级第三课的 有谁有All I see is you的歌词啊,是Evan唱的? ALL I SEE IS YOU-evan歌词求歌词阿阿阿阿.ALL I SEE IS YOU-evan的歌词