
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/12 17:55:19
she has never fully made up her mind what she wants1:翻译2:为什么是what而不是that 七言绝句大全不破楼兰终不还的上句是什么? He changed his mind for the second time, after_____ I refused ever to go out with him again.A. what B. that C. all D. with为什么选D呢?帮忙分析下句子结构He stood for an instant with his hand _____ still.A. raising B. __Mr Barton changed his mind to take part in the movement?-----After he listened to the speech by Mr King A when was that it Bwhen was it that Cwhen was that Dwhen was it 打问号的写什么字 Mr.He had changed his mind and decided to open the mould exactly as original sample这句用的had对吗?为什么?为什么也可以用has?用had和has各有什么不同?定重谢! 英语翻译This procedure pertains to both intraoral and extraoral wound dressings.The retention of dressings that maintain saucerization of the wound for intervals of 5 to 7 days without replacement is recommended unless clinical symptoms indicate 英语翻译Large antral perforations resulting from exodontics should be closed at the time of the extraction.The bone in the area should be smoothed with a rongeur or bone file.The mucoperiosteal flap is returned to position,and a watertight closur 英语翻译Dry socket (localized osteitis) is one of the most perplexing postoperative complications.The etiology of the dry socket is unknown,but the following factors increase the incidence of this painful postextraction sequela:trauma,infection,d 赏分100,数学能手请来用方程解初23道难题.快,用方程解下3道题 甲,乙两车同时从东站到西站.甲车每小时比乙车多行12千米,甲车行驶4.5小时到达西站后,没有停留,立即从原路返回,在距离西站31.5 从甲地到乙地100千米,其中开头20千米是平路,然后40千米上坡路,余下的是平路,小名起车从甲地出发,经过2小时10分钟到达中点,在经过1小时50分钟到达乙地,求小名在平路上的速度? 已知一个关于x的方程,它的两根为3和4请你写出这个一元急!已知一个关于x的方程,它的两根为3和4请你写出这个一元二次方程 列方程求解:1、6与某数的差乘积是1求这个数.2、20比一个数的5倍少2.5求这个数.3、一个数的3分之1比它的40%少4这个数是多少?(不要光答案) 已知方程x²-5x+2=0,x1两个根的和与两个根乘积的差 已知函数y=f(x)的图像与函数y=3^x图像关于y=x对称.则f(1/9)=? 定义域:y=x/x^2-5x y=(x+1)^0√6-5x-x^2/│x│-x的定义域为 一根绳子长50米,先剪去它的五分之一,再减去它的五分之一米,还剩多少米? We often go (swim) there是swim 还是swimming? I do some read.I do some reading.变否定.是I don't do some reading.还是I don't do any reading "犹抱琵琶半遮面"是什么意思? 犹抱琵琶半遮面是什么意思 例三上面的变式训练, 求函数f(x)=-x^2+2x+5,x属于[-3,0)的值域 变式练习2 若α=-2,则α为第二象限角?对么 如果角α是第三象限角,分别求-α,2α,α/3的范围 已知函数f(x)=(㏒1/2x)∧2-2㏒1/2x+4,x∈[2,4],求f(x)值域 所有大于4的偶数都是两个奇数的和 希望能帮我解解 所有自然数除了奇数都是偶数对吗 为什么 高中数学2-1第2和3章所有课后习题 没有分了 阶段练习二和三