
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/05 16:58:52
“倡导低碳环保生活 创建绿色和谐校园”有何重大意义? 我想要中级口译的第三版书的相关音频,可以发给我么?谢谢.邮箱:tangjieqiong009@163.com AND THEN THERE WERE NONE怎么样 改为一般疑问句:The last month is December. have been doing have done 的用法和区别 求have been doing的意思和用法如果说我已经在新的公司工作了这句话,是have been working in new company还是have worked in new company already 不要转的,求知解惑, "and then there were none"作者究竟想表达什么?今天刚刚把它看完,但是可能是对背景文化不太了解或是英文水平不足吧,有没有读过英文版的高人给指点一下作者究竟想表达什么意思呢?是否与心理 评价人物 *朱元璋 * 乾隆* 各一百字 100字!简洁明了!不要他们的简介!要评价!例如说说他们的品德缺点优点十万火急! I was on the playground just now?的中文 He was often seen____basketball on the playgroundA play Bis played Cto play Dplaying more likely than less likely to I think you should have a rest for a few nights.翻译a rest for a few nights 要翻译出来 emotion need 与 emotional need 的区别?还有这两类词的区别还是没看出来区别在哪里.能用中文表述下吗?还有 名词+名词 与 形容词+名词的区别吗? you will need to clos and re-open 3dmax for the changes to take effect Why do I need to add changes in PA30 to a transporHi.′m working in a uppgrade project from 4.5B to ERP.When I try to add (I?′m testing) actions or qualifications in the D client,I got that I have to add it to a transport request when I try do sav A: There is one more chart we need to add to the presentation file. B: The final changes __________A: There is one more chart we need to add to the presentation file.B: The final changes __________ by Manolo this afternoon. You should email it direct 绿色环保我先行-----低碳生活,做环保使者 上海哪里读雅思比较好?如题.学费大约多少 上海读雅思哪个班比较好?上海哪里读雅思比较好?价格多少努力读 读一期能读出来吗? 上海读雅思哪里比较好? 环球,新东方还是什么?我现在水平也就6级过一点点 读的话要从基础开始读么?还是读提高?冲刺? 上海去哪读雅思好?我的基础差 平时上班没时间 只有周末和晚上有时间?有哪里的雅思是晚上+周末读的吗? 上海哪里读雅思最好? be more than likely 英语翻译在伊斯兰教信仰中,穆斯林信徒的目光通常除了他们的合法家庭成员伙伴不去关注最初异性的脸和眼睛,通常是为了避免唤醒潜在的欲望。年轻或成人与异性淫荡的眼神接触也被禁止 求一个英文名~不想要Sophia要可爱的我叫于晨阳,可以取“阳阳”谐音的,或者别的也行,但一定要可爱的,念起来好听的,最好取S开头的,不是也没有关系、.最好不要太大众化的名字,那样都叫一 想取个与Sophia(女)般配的情侣英文名,要读起来差不多的不是要意思一样 同义句转换 Lucy runs faster than any other student in her class.Lucy runs faster than ---- ---- ---- in her class some people are unhappy with the rise of this supermarket giant,first ______after the great earthquake inthis areaA openedB to be opened C being openedD having been opening答案是a'为什么 What should you say when you ask a ____(strange) the way? eye contact 是一个名词短语吗 We should ask for imformation ____when we are in trouble We should ask imformation ____when we are in trouble这个空填什么?