来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/11/18 01:30:45
英语翻译Several years ago,the teacher asked us to write down anything in our past that we felt sorry for.The next week he asked some of us to read it aloud.After three weeks,I had 101 things on my list
英语翻译"When someone calls us,they may say,'I need help with transportation .' We're going to be able to work with them to see if it is a volunteer that helps,if it's is a vetted vendor that helps or there is a community service in place.So that
英语翻译The fundamental change needed is open and honest recognition by both parties that the U.K.–U.S.Relationship is a reflection of real national interests,not a corny friendship between equals.The U.S.should be clear in what it expects from
如"单位"(1.度量单位 2.工作的地方)这样一词多义的词语,还有什么?多列几个.请大家指教.如果有提供 短语和习惯表达 的多义的,就更好.
英语翻译Energy efficiency increases need to be a key strategy in achieving carbonemissions goals,according to joint comments submitted to the U.S.Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) by the Alliance to Save Energy and theAmerican Council for an
英语翻译Take it slowlyChildren have a much slower tempo than we do.Their thought patterns are forming and they need time to process information in order to respond to us.Slow down with your baby and you will be helping her immensely.You will lear
线性代数答案 用上面的公式做14和16题线性代数答案用上面的公式做14和16题
有你的日子真好 作文
有你的日子真好作文 要一个排比就像这样:::有朋友的日子真好,因为.;有亲人的日子真好,因为.;有.
作文 有你的日子里是有你的日子里,不是没有!
有你的日子就有温暖 作文
1热带 A松嫩平原 F冬小麦2亚热带 B华北平原 G春小麦3暖温带 C长江中下游平原 H水稻三熟,天然橡胶4中温带 D珠江三角洲 I水稻两熟到三熟E海南岛1234在一行,ABCDE在一行,FGHI在一行,唉……问
麻烦/劳驾某人做某事 英译
英语翻译To build on this success,theAdministration has set a new goal:Efficiency standards for appliances and federalbuildings set in the first and second terms combined will reducecarbon pollution by at least 3 billion metric tons cumulatively b
英语翻译Building on President Obama’s State of the Union address and the Administration’s Climate Action Plan,the Energy Department today announced new efficiency standards for commercial refrigeration equipment.Over the next 30 years,these s
这段话该怎么翻译?请人工帮忙翻译一下In Texas, Staples Recognized for Leadership in Energy EfficiencyAs part of President Obama’s Better Buildings Challenge, the Department of Energytoday recognized Staples for its leadership in ener
请英语高手帮我人工翻译一下这段话,太感谢了Under the Obama Administration, the Energy Department has finalized new efficiency standards for more than 30 household and commercial products, including dishwashers, refrigerators and wat