
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/30 20:00:26
he bought a storybook last sunday(一般疑问句,两种回答) 请问这句话如何翻译 Many more women work for pay outside their homes? could you lend me the book__you bought last sunday?为什么空格处不需要填?难道不用关系代词吗?还是省略了? Jim bought a computer last Sunday对(last Sunday)提问 many women in the neighborhood work from their homes.in the neighborhood 形容women的吗?帮忙分析? they are women in the making who have a right to play their full part in their society怎么翻译 THE status of women in a society depends in large measure on their role in the economy最重要的是in large measure on their LARGE 我想找一首英文歌,有几句歌词是:“in the sunny day……in the windy day”.这首歌我记得有一部电视剧用过做插曲 1.The windmill moves quickly on a windy day.(改为一般疑问句) We often wear windbreakers ___ windy days ___ winter.(on/in/at)It's important for you to wear uniforms at work(用It's important that 改写)I think.....He didn't do well in the exam(合并成宾语从句)I want to know........Does your father work on a good day还是in a good day? 求一些关于宇宙太空的读物我是一个高中生,对宇宙不大懂,希望能找一些浅显的宇宙科普读物如果是纪录片之类的可以直接打名字上来,杂志或者电子读本的麻烦请发到我的邮箱99788729@163.com如 宇宙之外是什么状态,宇宙深处什么状态?如果有另一个宇宙那么宇宙和宇宙之间有间隙吗,那间隙又是什么状态 ug8.0怎么绕圆心投影到圆柱上 she has just bought a car 否定句否定句和一般疑问句.just 要改yet吗 He has a big car?改为否定句 He____ ____a big car.___填什么?回答了加分、 There are many______in that hospital.A.woman doctors B.women doctor C.women doctors D.woman doctor How many () are there in the picture.a.hospital b.people c.meat d.plaies 选哪个?为什么? 家长朋友好,乐科儿童益智读物怎么样呢?家长朋友好最近经常看到,想了解一下购买过的朋友的感受. 求大神帮忙设计一个英文纹身要求内容是Fxq 什么体无所谓 能好看就行了 求图 小学六年级英语作文:A Story in a Snowy Day 我想去纹身,锁骨下面,是句英文,想要好看的字体,god biess me 想纹身 纹一句很有意义的英语 什么话好啊,比较短点的呢.缩写也可以的. Maybe God wants us to meet a few wrong people before meeting the right one, so that when we finallyMaybe God wants us to meet a few wrong people before meeting the right one, so that when we finally meet the person, we will know how to be grate... It's an interesting book written ______ Mr YanIt's an interesting book.Mr Yan wrote this book.(合并为一句) It's so interesting a book 为什么我觉得应该用such an 你的眼真鬼祟 我的朋友这样说我 a plan for my family life 英语作文今天就要啊,60词.虽然题目可能没怎么见过,但我很苦恼, 感叹句的题(1)___hard work you have done ,it's very kind of you to say so 下面有选项A what,B what a,C how,Dhow a (2)have you seen the film .yes,___wonderfui film is A what B what a C how D how a 求一篇关于打篮球的简单双人英文对话,不需要很长,麻烦大家帮帮我. 跪求一篇有关介绍篮球的英语对话 要三人说的 有急用! You couldn't have had all your work done ______ .A.if it was not for me B.if had it been for us C.it had not been for me D.had it not been for me