
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/01 23:13:12
We must stop the pollution____(live)a happy life. some inspiration to life fascinated me to live.麻烦高手帮忙翻译下这句话. how many feet are there in a yard? How many squares are there?A.30 b.34 c.28 D.32 请写出答题思路 图:如下图:宽3厘米乘长4厘米ps:1厘米=小正方形的边长 drive的过去式是什么 How many board are there?找出错误 take to 和take up 有什么区别?都是开始从事的意思吧?在用法上有什么区别吗? 求短语"take up"的所有意思和例句.我快被这个短语烦死了. I consider it something we must never do .此句中something we must never do 是宾语补足语吗.然在帮忙分析一下这一段something we must never do... take up和take up to的区别 shine的过去式和过去分词是什么? How many apples?There are one hundred.用are对还是用is对? shine 的过去式是什么?shone? shine的过去式是? 元日这一首诗的拼音? When the whole area was ________ by the flood,the government sent food there by helicopter.A) cut awayB) cut downC) cut upD) cut off when i arrived at the flood-stricken area,i found large quantities of food and clothing _ to theA,have been handed outB.were being handed out take up 短语有哪些意思? There are many fish in the area,and the birds can catch _______food.(选择题)A,it as B,them asC,them for D,they as 关于take的词组有哪些,意思分别是什么? disaster area跟stricken area有什么区别?RT.:) There are many fish in this area,and the birds can catch ___food.A.it as B.them as C.them for D.they as 王安石《元日》中元为何意?跟这个元字意思相同的词还有那些? 诗《元日》的意思 元日 诗的意思 古诗《元日》所指的意思 请问 pick up这里的pick是作为不及物动词加介词的,还是及物动词加介词的 How many socks are there in there pairs?是什么意思 VF程序题求S(n)=a+aa+aaa+...+aaa.aaa(其中有n个a)之值,a是一个数字,n和a由键盘键入(例如:2+22+222+22222+22222,此时n=5) how many recttangles are there?的意思 vf 程序题store 3 to xstore 5 to yplus ((x))(y)x,yprocedure plusparameters a1,a2a1=a1+a2a2=a1+a2endproc求内存变量xy5.求为什么..里面的英语都是什么意思x=12345y=0do while x>0y=y+xx=int(x/10)enddo求内存标量y为什么..标 There are two hens,there ducks,five dogs and four elephants.How many legs have they got?There are two hens,there ducks,five dogs and four elephants.How many legs have they got?