
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/11 15:38:12
The diet is measured in ___calories,while the food is sold by___pound.为什么第一个不填 第二个填the 不都是单位么?measured in the caloriesold by pounds能不能这样说 it is not produced 和it does not produced有什么区别 翻译:The diet is measured in the calories,while the food is sold by the pound. what has arms but cannot N ow I know he said things hit things that we didn’t mean he said some mean things to me是什么意思?打错了,应该是he said mean things to me是什么意思? mean things什么意思举个例子 she___crazy to go out with someone like himcan be?may be?will be?must be? 英语What has no legs,but but all day and all night的谜底是什么11 《我眼中的春天》 你心中的春天是什么样子 翻译成英文“那我们就是朋友了,有时间联系”谢谢 我朋友告诉我你找我 等回来联系你.用英文怎么翻译 听说你交往了新朋友.翻译 These machines are better than___we turned out last year.A.that B.what C.those D.which请问选择哪一个呢?为什么呢? I really really do love her 我是真的真的很爱她 I love her and I really really do 可以吗 你眼中的春是什么样子的 “someone :really sense a lot to me !中文意思 谢谢 深知身在情长在 怅望江头江水声 直道相思了无益 未妨惆怅是狂清,有否相仿的词 虽天地之大,万物之多,而惟吾鲷翼之知 含义 请教下老式日光灯带镇流器的问题?开始灯有时亮有时不亮有时开了等半天它才亮我换了一个镇流器(松日)用了二十几天又出现那种现像 但是那种现像没几次就切底不亮了 我又换一个镇流 而惟吾蜩翼之知的意思 虽天地之大,万物之多,而惟吾躊翼自知的意思是什么 6.Opening the book,she found in it a white,plain envelope with her name ______ on it.A.to print B.printed C.printing D.print答案给的是c,why? 为什么wednesday中的d不发音 只道相爱了无益,未妨惆怅是清狂什么意思 wednesday 为什么发音是“温思地”?不是应该是“温思dei They often play with the cute dog 用now改写句子 in their opponents'possession是什么意思勒 莫道相思苦,相思令人老.几番细思量,何处解忧愁?请问它的出处? His political opponents were able to tear off the show of sincerity that had been 相思令人老 我喜欢她我喜欢她 我很痛苦 我们是同学 每天忍不住想她 我想忘掉她 可忘一个人好难 相思苦啊哟