
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/08 22:41:43
This is the very house___we are looking for A.thaThis is the very house___we are looking forA.that B.where C.which D.whoseDid you read the book ___I lend yo you?A.whose B./ C.who D.what只是两道英语的定语从句题. This is the house which is for sale.这句话中的which 是否可以换为that我觉得which更好,但定语从句中这句话又不属于只能用which的情况,学生学到这里都会很疑惑 关于校园犯罪的英文短文为什么会有犯罪的现象,怎样预防最好有中文翻译,字数在120_150~ 怎样保护校园环境英文作文不要太多,40个单词左右,简单点,初一水平O(∩_∩)O谢谢了很急很急很急! 已知二的九十六次减一可以被在60到700之间的两个数整除,求这两个数 作者一家对待老王的态度如何?具体表现在哪里? "可是我害怕的糊涂了"表现作者对老王怎样的感情? 已知X,Y为实数且满足Y=根号下3X-6 + 根号下10-5X +3.试求Y-X的平方根及Y-X的立方根. This is the very book ___ I'm looking for.A.it B.what C.where D.that 看不懂 求翻译 写信好处在哪 This is the book _____ I am looking for.A.what B.that C.who D.how This is the very book that I'm looking for.Where did you pick it ___[A.out B.up]2.I can't have seen a ghost.It must have been ____[A.imaginative B.imagination] 杨绛 老王 本文写了老王的善和苦表达了怎样地思想感情, 一篇课文中,作者表达了什么思想感情求作者表达的情感! 老王中,抱歉表达了我怎样的思想感情. 如照片 英语翻译How are I am very fine.Sorry for all things what I disappointed u b/c our/ Ethiopian connection is slow& in my city for 15 days there is no connection sorry about this thing.Please I beg u pardon please be friend with me. There is no doubt that happiness is the most precious thing in the world.请翻译,再结合实际来回答 This thing is not about you . precious, 从这几句话可以看出作者对老王有怎样的感情 《老王》《信客》《台阶》三课中勾出表现“我”的情感的句子并赏析 汤姆索亚历险记中随便一个故事要300字左右 英语作文 我的假期 要有中文爱爱爱爱爱爱爱爱爱爱爱爱爱爱爱爱爱爱爱啊你你你你你你你你你你你您 英语作文"假期的计划"一篇?(要翻译中文,英语60到80词) 动物比喻词老黄牛:寄生虫:纸老虎:替罪羊:请写出以上动物的喻意 请帮我用拟人手法描写一种动物 300字左右 讲故事比赛作文 讲故事的作文 有没有初一语文第一单元试题?越快越好 写一种小动物,要200字的 用拟人的修辞手法描写一种小动物