
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/14 04:10:22
英语动词配时态变化的填空题1.i came into the classroom,______(laugh)happily.2._____(break)by the thief,the safe needs mending.3.the boys _____(put) up a tent are my classmates.4.______(open) the pencil-box,she took out a ruler.5.the girl 英语的选择动词填空题,也要搭配时态变化design complete complain inquire fix remark tell operate1.the doctor _______ on Mr,Smith in the hospital yesterday2.I can to move to another place,because my roommate never stops _____.3.By the e is not 后加动词( )A ingB 原型 43.1英语动词选择填空题,可能要搭配时态变化Can ,could ,be able toa.I _______ get a high mark in today’s exam.b._______ I have a cigarette?c.He ____________ to pass the exam after he had finished the coursee.He spoke in such a low vo not后加动词的什么形 哪些动词可以直接加not否定? 请问关于 not这个词 什么时候加在动词前什么时候加在动词后,有什么规律吗?(129) 下面这几句古诗运用的修辞手法是啥米?3.谁言寸草心,报得三春晖.2:一片冰心在玉壶.3:野旷天低树,江清月近人.4:朱门酒肉臭,路有冻死骨.5:豆在釜中泣.6:蜀道难,难于上青天. 求解几道英语选词填空题(注意时态)be proud of take place come back put down live in enjoy develop establish1.I ___my daughter's success.2.He___the cool air now.3.A flower ___from a bud.4.Ben ___a very out-of-the-way place.5.Our manager hurry的一些用法、、 hurry用法不同词性不同意思,不同用法, 找一首儿歌 里面有一段的歌词是 你的家,我的家,都是一个家儿歌 里面有一段的歌词是 你的家,我的家,都是一个家 求歌名知道的朋友说一说谢谢 找了一个晚上了都没找到 .急死我了最好给个 用wasn't造句五年级的 用there weren't造句造2个 高中生物选修三中植物组织培养讲到分化和细胞的全能性,能细讲下么.混了啊………分化的细胞和未分化的细胞谁的全能性高些? hurry有hurried这个用法吗? 植物组织培养可不可以用木质部细胞 大中国的歌词用了哪些修辞手法我们都有一个家名字叫中国兄弟姐妹都很多景色也不错家里盘着两条龙是长江与黄河还有珠穆朗玛峰儿是最高山坡我们都有一个家名字叫中国兄弟姐妹都很多 好一个大中国 歌词 怎么才能达到完全听得懂老外说英语的境界并且自己也会说听别人说环境是关键,所以我想明天都听下英文台(完全听不懂),难道在完全不知道别人说什么的情况下就慢慢会说了么(不太可 春秋时期晋文公和齐桓公都是中原霸主,怎么回事? 晋文公成为春秋霸主的原因和齐桓公有何相似之处 初二英语对括号内的内容提问(a lot of work)needed to be done?_____ ______ to be done? 初二英语对括号部分提问That book cost me [twenty dollars]____ _____ _____that book______?He likes [listening to the rock music] vrey much_____ _____he____ ______vrey much?I like Beijing Opera [vrey much]____ ____ you_____ ______ Beijing Ope 对括号内句子提问He hiccupped (for 69 years and 5 months).( ) ( ) ( ) he ( 对括号里的句子提问1.She will (help the kids learn to swim) this summer.2.They're going to study for their tests (at home). 如何选择疑问词用is are do does?is he or does he 还是都可以 Long the people's Republic oh China __A livedB livesC liveD is living the man thought for a while and found a way翻译 学前儿童社会性的概念是什么?就是社会性的名词解释 "I thought the librarian said ."怎么翻译?M:I thought the librarian said we could check out as many books as we need without our library cards. W:That's right,but not those reference books.其中,"M:I thought the librarian said we could check out 讨论人的社会性大家讨论下人是社会动物还是自然群居动物?按照马克思说社会属性只有人才有,是人的本质.那么为什么蜜蜂和蚂蚁还有其他灵长类的生活都具有高度社会化?如果说社会性是人