
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/05 16:38:06
By the time he was sixty,he _for the company forthirty years.为什么答案是will have worked “His uncle is in his sixty.这句话正确吗? 证明DNA是遗传物质,为什么大肠杆菌会裂解为什么大肠杆菌会裂解,跟噬菌体有什么关系 同中有异 SAME SAME BUT DIFFERENT怎么样 有哪位博学之士晓得下面这句话中的 place their orders是何意吗?In this game,you are working at a diner as a server and you need to help people get to their seats and place their orders. Hope to place further and larger orders with you.能否单独成句? Catalogues will have voice commands to place orders.中文是什么意思? 英语作文Schools in the future,用will,多加一些so,because等连词,要说明学校的变化和你为什么想让它变成这样,不少于60词,在线等(・ω・)🙏🙏 求一首摇滚歌名 刚开始大喊LET’S GO这是一首摇滚 是在魔兽视频上看的 这是地址:大哥门听听告诉我是谁的?和歌名 找个 摇滚歌曲,其中有唱到"let's go go go "找个 摇滚歌曲,其中有唱到"let's go go go go go 是男声 听起来特带劲,现在忘记名字了.希望大家协助下!下面的两个都不是的,记得中间是 go go gog gogogogogogogo 英语翻译急 Healthy eating habits and running help to build me up.help是始于动词,在它之后的第一个动词应该是原Healthy eating habits and running help to build me up.help是始于动词,在它之后的第一个动词应该是原型,为什么在 谁帮我写一篇how to behave well的作文啊不用太长,80—100字即可,内容包括礼貌待人,热心助人守校规校纪,按时到校不说脏话遵守交通规则不乱扔垃圾 谁有jungle p歌词? 英语翻译Closing your business negotiationsbring business negotiations to a close requires special skills and techniques.As no two negotiation situations are alike,it is not possible to recommend any one approach.Negotiators must use their own jud 在一个家庭中,父亲是多指患者(由常染色体上显性基因A控制), 母亲的表现型正常,他们婚后却生了一个手 基因组 基因 染色体 DNA请详细解释这4样东西.不好意思,再补充一个——DNA分子 已知多指症是由显性基因A控制的,一对夫妻中有一人的基因组成为A,另一人的基因显示为正常,问他们的孩子患多指症的概率为多少? 31、某原始封闭部落多指症达36%.已知其方式为单基因常染色体显性遗传.一多指女性与其正常丈夫所生子女为多指的概率是( ).A.86% B.37% C.5/9 D.2/3 染色体`DNA``基因``基因组``````晕`了```遗传`这类``我实在分不清```都弄混了```怎么说`偶也是祖国的花朵`请帮`忙偶明确的说明定义和关系`染色体`DNA``基因``基因组谢谢了```:P 关于My English teacher has ___ 8 year-old daughter.今天我在做英语作业的时候有一道题目我不是很明白My English teacher has ___ 8 year-old daughter.A.an B.a C.the D./我选择了B,可是为什么答案是A呢?我觉得8不是eigh 英语...什么时候是year old 什么时候是years old 还有..什么时候是comes form,什么时候是:come form?谢.. “我们的老师,是一位多么好的老师啊!”换个说法,意思不变 blew fight strike hit beat的区别?查了字典,这几个词都有打的意思.blew是殴打,fight是打假.比如说某人被打了,该用那个词呢?请各举例详细说明这几个次的用法区别,提前祝您节日愉快啊! 请解说一下hit beat knock strike 这四个词的区别 The teacher asks us not to stand up until _____ in the English class.A. told B. being told C. told to D. having told为什么选 C 写出下列单词的比较级:long buy thin tall cheap small soft loud写出下列单词的反义词:bigger angry cheaper big taller long的比较级是? long比较级 问:long的比较级是什么? 英语翻译So much to say,but where do I startWould you listen if I spoke from the heartIt’s simple things that keep us apartYou know it doesn’t have to be this waybryanCan’t you hear it in my voice,ooh babyGotta listen when I say合唱Don’t Every weekend teaches()(we) English .We his friends.