
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/30 09:07:25
为什么有时候会有曾经到过某地或做过某事的记忆. sChool用中文怎么读 非限制性定语从句缺主语用什么连接词?如果不是非限制性定语从句,缺主语用什么连接词?不是说定语从句缺成分只能用which,that吗 英语角一般应该有什么内容在大学举办的,最好内活跃气氛 主语最高级时,定语从句的关系代词用作宾语时可以省略吗 定语从句的从句主语能省略吗?There is a young man (who is) called Peng Yu in NanJing.这句话,who is可以省略吗 我小孩今年11岁上小学五年级,他每天在家里做作业的速度太慢,作业并不是很多,几乎天天要到晚上11点. 英语翻译短信没翻译,所以来问问大家,感激不尽 School day 讲的什么啊如题…… Susan had -------much work to do that she stayed at her office all day用such 还是so为什么不能用such,such....that是不是也可能啊。后面有名字work啊 求比较复杂的词语,不要太简单的,我要做作业的,老师说要抄好词.我是小学生,可别骗我哦!求复杂的词语,老师要批改的!无法给悬赏.555~ 描写神态的词语 要无数个,快, Those who have been invited are _________ young scientists.A.most B.almost C.mostly D.at most They have developed techniques which are __________ to those used in most factories.A.more talented B.better C.greater D.superior诚恳请教选哪个 Those who have __money than sense may sometimes act foolishly.A much B more 这道题为什么要用more Money 不是不可数的吗? 求带“不”字的绕口令越多越好,像这样的“吃葡萄不吐葡萄皮,不吃葡萄倒吐葡萄皮”这句就不用了 All those years,we have no money,we only have a those 鲍照诗句十句,急 Let's go for a w______. let's go for a waik,〔 〕〔 A.shall weB.will youC.won't youD.doesn't you let's go for a walk______?A.shall we B.don't you C will we D won't you why? Let's go and ()playing ping pongplaying the ping pongto play ping pongplay ping pong理由 Let' s go and ( ) a present for our English . 抱残守缺是什么意思 Let' s go and ( ) a present for our English teacher. “抱残守缺”和“不足挂齿”的意思只要解释就可以 Let's go and s( ) it. 抱残守缺是谁 什么事抱残守缺 Let us go have fun 这句话有语法错误吗? are there+some还是any The bund 英语作文 60字 马上·要