
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/20 00:26:56
麻烦帮忙分析下句子的语法,1.Now,i have enough money to buy that piece of land i`ve had my eye on and build a house on it.2.i suppose i`ve put it off long engough.我的语法很差,麻烦大家帮我分析详细一些, 麻烦帮忙分析下这两个句子语法,:1、We do this when it is clear from the situation what is going to happen.2、Circle the figure that you think are correct. Do you like these,Miss? No. Show me some other.改错 改语病.有4处语病.大量事实证明:情感是调节师生人际关系的精神纽带.教学效果的好坏,很大程度上决定师生感情的好坏.师生间搭起情感交流的桥梁,彼此相互信任并尊重,教学效果就会好; Tigers eat meat every day .(改成一般疑问句) ______tigers ______ meat every day? 一个数除以xy和除以(xy)一样吗? (ax^2 y^2-a)除以(xy+1) 在线等 旗杆与中国人的脊梁有什么关系?五年级的最后一分钟上的基础训练上的题.要详细一些. we know that tigers eat meat tiger为什么加S do tigers eat meat or grass? Tigers eat meat?改为否定句 4a-1/a I can be ____ after school to talk to many students with regard to their progress in my classes.(A) available (B) allowed (C) anywhere并说明原因, I wonder where have you_____.a.been b.gone 做ppt时怎样把字写在一条横线上,而且是先出题目,答案上面是一条横线 如何在ppt上划出一条横线我要弄一道连线题,如何划线?我找不到可以划线的,有谁知道啊, choose to not eat meat 这句话语法对吗? 后面一个arctan1/x的极限存在?是怎么算出来的? do you have a reservation for today?还是 is your reservation for taday? 当x趋于正无穷时,求2xsinx/√1+x^2再*arctan1/x的极限 have reservation about 第五题.我求xarctan1/x的极限然后利用等阶无穷小将arctan1/x换成1/x求得极限为一,那么x=0应该是该函数的可去间断点为什么答案说是连续的 i have been single是什么意思 当x趋于正无穷时,求2xsinx/√1+x^2)*arctan1/x的极限 You eat meat with this.猜字谜(f开头的英文单词) 大肠杆菌的DNA相比RNA在组成上有哪些不同 已知一段DNA,或RNA..怎么样能知道它是否能与大肠杆菌中未知的蛋白质结合?是否有具体的实验操作? we know that tigers eat meat 汉语意思 1/2+1/6+1/12+1/20+.+1/2450得数 2分之一+6分之一+12分之一+.+2450分之一 2分之1+6分之1+12分之1+...+2450分之1=? 中国安徽省安庆市宿松县高岭乡有哪些村庄?