
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/07 02:02:13
英语翻译:Can we do the mass production according to these samples ch2=ch-ch=ch2的命名1,3-丁二烯,双键不是第一个和第四个吗,为什么要标1,3 1,3-丁二烯CH2=CH-CH=CH2 中间的碳只有3个键吗?有机物成键特点:碳原子总是形成4个键这里只有3个? careless drivng_____a lot of highway accidents.A.affects B.causes C.makes D.results Careless drving __ a lot of highway accidents A makes B provides C results D causes careless driving__ a lot of haihway accidentsA affectsB givesC causesD results 答案选c为什么d和a不行呢 Careless driving ____a lot of highway accidents.A affectsB makesC causesD results 答案选c为什么b不行呢 土家族吊脚楼的特点 斩草除根是什么意思? 马年和什么相冲 除草剂和水的质量比是1比100,要配置404千克除草剂水溶液,需要除草剂多少?550千克水需要加多少除草剂 一种除草剂溶液,把除草剂和水按1:180的质量比配制现有4克除草剂需水多少克?配成的除草溶液重多少千克? 玉米除草剂中药粉与水的比是1:55,现有除草剂560克,是由( )药粉和( )水配制的? 酯化反应为什么要加酸酐?都加乙酸酐吗? 子午相冲什么意思? 什么是子午冲?什么样的情况是子午冲?子午冲是指哪段特定时间吗? 谁知道it的宾格 子午相冲是什么数字 I played a lot of games with my fruends at a camp.(对划线部分提问) 划线部分是:at a camp my played games ()with her friends.A.happy B.happier C.happily2.when there is a gentle wind,we can see leaves()slightly in the parks A.blowing B.blew C.blows 3.the wind became stronger and blew() A.gently B.fiercely C.slightly 英语:I played games with my brother at 9:00是否能改写为这样的强调句 It was i with my brother that played games at 9:00 It was with my brother that I played games at 9:00 请说明原因, 板块和大陆大陆和板块有什么区别和联系?是不是在范围上很一致呢? 关于遗憾的作文题目 关于I的宾格"me"的用法用I的正确形式填空:"Buy __ a cake with the other three pence buy one yourself."这个空的正确答案是"me"为什么呢? 怎样判断玻璃是不是钢化的! I+play+it+at+school+with+my+friend. 建一个玻璃房,如果用方管,一般用多宽的方管.玻璃多厚的合适 烤漆玻璃6个厚贴在铁方管上时间长会掉吗?室外阳光房用 I was just p________up for a chat with my friend 我亲密的朋友昨天出了点问题 There was ____ ____ with my _____ friend. 一个长方体容器,从乃部测量的长4分米,宽2.8分米在长方体容器里注1分米深的水,一共要住入多少升的水?如果要把这个容器注满水,需要入多少升水? 一个长方体容器,从内部测量长4分米,宽2.8米.在长方体容器里注入1分米深的水,一共要注入多少升如果要把这个容器注满水,需要注入多少水