
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/27 01:44:10
儒家思想经济怎么样?等等 太阳大约还能活几年? 如何看待儒家思想 太阳活几年了? 对韩国人影响最深的是儒家思想还是道家思想? 太阳会活几年啊?拜托了各位 谢谢 太阳还能活多久 I have something (tell) you.为什么用 to tell hold sb in one's 无奈啊 有关 hold sb in one's He held her tightly in his arms.这句话可以说是He held her tightly around his arms 如不能,请说明原因. hold sb in one'spower造句 1.The bear was shot in ( )head. 为什么填the 不填 its2.The old man took the girl by ____ hand and they went down the street.A.her B.a C.the D.that 为什么选C 而不选B was shot in/on the head中间是In还是On CF穿越火线为什么要把HEAD SHOT读成BIG SHUTS?还有SOLDIER WIN 读成SOLIT WIN? 太阳可以活几岁 太阳几岁了?还能活多久 太阳还能活多少岁?太阳到底还有多少亿年的寿命,太阳消失了,那么我们人类也就灭亡了吗? 太阳活了多少岁 one in every five people is In some states only one person in five lives in a place for more than five years.中"one person in five"是什么词组或者句型阿? shout的意思是什么 shout什么意思五年级寒假作业第55页第一大题. shout 的意思如同晴天服务缺乏 马来语马来西亚语小句翻译sya post kawan.x mau la...kawan2 kadang2 makan kawan sendiri...nanti de masa cube la cri sya di klas 4ke2...nama adam.bila dah jumpa jangan wat sya terkencing(nervous) plak.---------------------------camna ye.sya s “My father_ _ _ _his work and he wants to find a_ _an actor.”空里填什么提示:(汉语)我爸爸打算辞职,他想去当演员 "shot"是什么意思 shot是什么意思 shot in 什么意思 法语连诵问题希望有人能简略概括一下法语连诵的规则.Je vais à Montéal.vais和à要连吗?读成[vasa]?感觉不太对耶.我记得《法语》上说结尾不发音的辅音如果后一个单词词首是元音音素开头的话, 法文思念怎么读怎么写怎么读.还有 求 je t’aime 读法. 选择:This pair of shoes _______ nice.I’d like to __________.A.look,try it on B.looks,try it on C.look,try them on D.looks,try them on for