
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/05 14:44:26
her brother studies ai a technical school. 善于,惊奇,坚定的近意词是什么, 惊喜的反意词是()? 急需几个名人故事 Lots of students like sing very much.(改错) twitter中的reply和retweet分别是什么意思.有什么功能.这俩有什么区别? 长城的破坏情况的作文350字 you will never againfeel so ill at ease when you try it for the first time be ill at __ like a lot of exercise.We often walk them in the parkA CatsB BirdsC RabbitsD Dogs 최신 리스트 Dogs like lot of e____,you must wallk them in the park once a day. 如何提高高一数学课堂效率研究 加字的偏旁部首是什么 一篇关于名人读书的故事的概括就一篇就可以了,200字左右, 直接引语变间接引语时 时态的变化规律 主语的变化规律 别说顺口溜那些 俺看不懂 "This being the case,如句子:This being the case,china is one of developping countries. This being the case这个短语结构看不懂,意思为什么是在这种情况下?this is a matter over which we can exercise no control.这里的over是什么成分什么词性什么意思?which引导定语从句?no control又是什么成分?We ar He found the authetic clue in this case.这句话翻译的对吗? 英语翻译用authentic适合吗 “逼上梁山”的逼字在林冲身上表现突出,“误入白虎堂”、“ ”、“ ”记录了他是如何被一步步逼上梁山的 关于憧憬未来的名言 林冲为什么被逼上梁山?可以用哪一个词概括他此刻的处境?八十万禁军教头林冲,遭到太尉高俅的陷害,被发配沧州.押送林冲的两个差役又被高太尉收买,要在路上杀死他.幸亏林冲的结义兄弟花 直接间接引语互相转换和宾语从句详细英语语法. 将下列句中的宾语或宾语从句改为直接引语1.The teacher asked me where my father had been2.The policeman asked me what I was doing in the dark room3.Tommy said that Mp3 was his elder sister's4.The policewoman asked us not to play footb People often keep dogs( ) their homes.A.guard guarding C.guarding D.guards貌似是A.为什莫是C. 按顺序:林冲和鲁达在逼上梁山的过程中的情节,分别:林冲:误入白虎堂、( )、( )、怒杀王伦.鲁达:拳打镇关西( )( )大闹野猪林 林冲、鲁达都发生过哪些惊心动魄的故事林冲:误入白虎堂→( )→( )→怒杀王伦鲁达:拳打镇关西→( )→( )→大闹野猪林 红军飞夺泸定桥谁知道,要简明. 作文不用. the apple dropped ripe from the trees.此处ripe是什么用法? 直接引语和间接引语中的主语、谓语、宾语…都是什么