
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/04 18:58:42
Miss Green felt very surprised after________the news.请问是填“heard”还是“hear”为什么 I can't remember_Christmas when it snowed so much.A/ ;B a ;C the ;D this They can remember the school,too there are many big trees in it合并为一句 Amy游泳很好用两种方法翻译怎么译? 今年夏天Amy和我去游泳用英语怎么讲(用上be going) 植物的茎在植物生长过程中有什么作用 环氧乙烷检测仪应用领域? Did he ____(sheep) very late last night.用所给动词的适当形式填空 Last night Li ping f_____ asleep very late. “你认为是什么让Amy如此特别”英文怎么说What do you think_____________________(填几个词)? 问你啊今天老师讲了一个补全对话.有一个句子我不太明白.就是How long are you going to stay there?还说可以这样:How long are you staying there 我对第二个句子感到疑惑.按照这个句子的含义是:你要在 He felt (very sad)when he got the news.(对括号部分提问)()()he()when he got the news. 赵夫人的单子上有土豆但是Amy从不吃它们用英语怎么说 英语作文 stay away from fast foodRT. But it's too bad that the players aren't going to stay for long. too,that,it,Wuhan(武汉),stay,is,bad,they,for,will,long,in,not 连词成句连词成句并解释 It s___ that they won't stay here for long. 写出下列动词的完全形式can't i'd aren't they're let's wasn't that's don't when's didn't you're写出下列动词的完全形式can't i'd aren't they're let's wasn't that's don't when's didn't you're doesn't he's she's i'm isn't i've shouldn 《蜀鄙二僧》答案《蜀鄙二僧》的答案 蜀鄙二僧翻译 小军和小红做飞机模型.小军做了六分之五小时,小红做了五十分钟,是谁做得快 1.把两个数单位换算 2.要解析 3.两个单位一定要统一 4.要用分数统一啊 快 #芝麻开门#快 什么情况下KBr浓硫酸反应,产物是什么?KBr换为KI情况又是什么样的? KI+Br2=KBr+I2的现象, 有没有哪个国家或是城市一年四季为秋 外国有那些城市和吉林省一年四季的气候条件相似? I have I stroked her back gently consoling her until she'd cried herself out.是指她哭出来 or 哭声停止? 硫酸铜属于酸、碱、盐中的哪一类 熟石灰又称消石灰.它是那一类?(酸,碱,盐) 所有的蛋白都有信号肽么? 信号肽的作用是?A.决定蛋白质合成后在细胞内的定位 B.决定蛋白质合成的开始C.决定蛋白质合成的结束D.决定蛋白质合成的速率 抗体信号肽谁能给介绍下?以前好像没听说过这个概念,抗体信号肽是怎么发挥作用的?