
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/06 16:14:31
Is there ___in the room?No,there is __in it .A somebody:nobodyB anybody:somebodyC somebody:anybodyD anybody:nobody There_____(be)only one room in the house,but there (be)three rooms in that one.按时态填空、、、、快 there is only one child in the room(对one提问)要填空()()()are there in the room There _____ in this room.is too much furnitureare too many furnitures上一个 是肯定对的 但是我觉得后一个也是对的因为furniture当论“件”说的时候 是可数的那么后一个的说法到底对不对呢? “There is a chair in this room,isn't there?”是简单句、并列句还是复合句? There is a s___ of fried chicken in this room.初三英语单词拼写:1、There is a s_____ of fried chicken in this room.2、The f______ thing she did before she left the house was to lock the door. Is there any food in this There is nothing people in this room哪里错了没 my shool 和my room的英语作文(带翻译)请大姐帮帮忙 有急用 求一份关于宿舍女生友情的英文短文... 五上年级英语作文写的是我的卧室要有翻译 英语翻译On 12 May 2008 a big earthquake shookWenchuan and shocked the world.Thousands of peoplerushed to the disaster area.They all had the samename—Volunteer!  Yang Gang,who survived the earthquake,was oneof the volunteers.Besides soldiers 以my room为题写一篇英语作文,语句通顺,条理清楚,五十个单词左右 my room英语作文 70个单词 My room的英语作文 my room 英语作文 英语作文 MY ROOM不少与5句话! my room英语作文40—50个单词3Q 关于My room 的英语作文最好浅一点,不要太深,希望有翻译. My room.5句话, 关于My living room 的英语作文 英语作文《MY LIVING ROOM》要11句的 英语作文 My living room或My bedroom不用太多字数 把家俱说明白就行 my living room英语作文?只要五句话就行my living room英语作文?只要五句话就行 Honey I love you very much You know you love me,I know you I love you,you know? honey!I lay my love on you honey,i only hope to love you forever什么意思 形容一个男的爱上好多女人用什么词? 某男喜欢某女,开始追求,没有明确表白,只是日常生活中,帮忙做这做那,大殷勤,后在接触中发现某女没那个意思,遂态度大变,说话客气,保持距离,顺便搭把手的小事都置之不理,完全成了看客.用 cute一词的意思及详细用法以前只知道是可爱的意思 只用在女的身上 可是有cute boy这首歌 也貌似可以用在男的身上的 所以我想请问下cute的详细意思和用法