
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/06 16:15:58
我要考雅思7分,哪种电子词典好?了解的人给点建议 We have know each other -- more than three years.A.for B.since C.in D.at 为什么? The story was so funny that everyone ____.A.laughed B.interested C.amused D.joked请区别一下以上四个选项.为什么不选C? story用什么修饰 funny 还是fun要理由,充分点 成功用英语如何表达麻烦告诉我 复活节岛的雕像复活节岛的石头雕像..是不是在另外一个地方{是日本吗}也有一模一样的雕像?在哪个地方? 复活节岛的雕像怎样形成的? 背单词感觉很困难怎么办啊,感觉考四级英语压力好大, Plants can help people to work better.Studies show that keeping plants in the workplace can help后面的省略,一篇完形填空,好的+100分These plants really play an important part in the () in classrooms.They help students to learn new things lt was such a funny show that people couldn't hep again and again Weˊd like to thank the people who have donated time and materials to help make this show什么意思啊,帮帮忙,翻译一下@ We shoudld be _(help) to those _(help) people.He is _(thank) to you for your help.The film is one of the best films for children.Kate,you'll _(sure) like it.He said he _(return) the book as soon as he _(finsh) reading it. 求3篇古文的重要句子《捕蛇者说》《岳阳楼记》《醉翁亭记》这3篇都是苏教版九上的 求里面的一些重要的句子及易考的句子 The Shoe Fashion Show is to help people in-----Shoe Fashion Show for Wenchuan EarthquakeTicket:30yuan one personPiace:Sunshine ChinemaTime:9a.m.---11a.m. every day next week选项:Shandong Xinjiang Qinghai 急求有关保密重要性或者与保密有关的古文句子啊. 求30字左右的初中英语作文多给几篇 英语高手not since 的用法not since 的用法,最好举例,谢谢大家啊 英语him主格( ),leave现在分词( ),leaf复数( ) We should stop him from__ (leave) school.我们必须组织他离开学校.__填to leave对吗?最好给多几个例句.如有涉及到词组也请回答的哥哥姐姐们关照下,字打错了,SORRY.组织→阻止 All of us had a good laugh ____ that funny story.A. at B. on C. over D. to 9. We are____ aware that we should be grateful for good health.A. too oftenB. all tooC. too muchD. very good 急,用古文或诗句表达一下?用几句古文表示两个事物之间既相互制约,又相互促进的意思,怎么表示 Isn't that story funny?属于什么句子? 能体现“新思想”的文言语句.参考《文章为思想而写》 Isn't that story funny? 这句英文的回答是.选项:A.Yes,it isn't. B.No,it is. 为什么选A.(B.) 请解答清楚.谢谢! 北京四合院为什么要这样建?例如: 北京四合院建在哪里 四合院适合南方建吗 北方人为什么建四合院 英语翻译翻译如下词组:1、就这些吗?2、对不起,我不喜欢这个,换个看看.3、我决定不了买什么羊毛衫好.4、1千克10元.5、这套西服值239美元.6、这恐怕是我们这儿最便宜/最贵的了.7、这正合 有什么语句是描写北风的!谁能答啊 ”北风乱,夜未央”的诗句这是JAY的菊花台的歌词中的一句,但又是一首诗里的一句.我忘了是哪一首诗.麻烦请帮我把整首诗复制下来给我,最好带着意思这是一首词里的句子.我忘了是哪一