
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/08 06:03:45
为什么快要下雨的时候燕子会飞的很低如题 谢谢了 为什么快要下雨的时候燕子和蜻蜓都会飞的很低的呢? Something is wrong with my throat.(改为同义句) _______ _______ wrong with my throat. Something is wrong with my throat.I just feel thirsty为什么不用Nothing is wrong with my throat.I just feel thirsty呢 I have a store throat =I have some problem with my throat “ problem ”写错了,应为“ problems” 英语翻译帮忙把这句话翻译成英语,要求有主谓宾 I have a store throat =I have some problems with my throat “store”写错了,应为“ sore ” .90后的你我.的繁体字怎么写 haVe,PiCniCS,uSUally,We,aUtUmn,in连词成句 we,holiday,Thanksgiving,an,have,called,autumn. 连词成句 we,holiday,Thanks,giving,an,have,called,autumn.怎么连词成句 I like these English songs and they ( )many times on the radio.A,taught B,have taught C,are taught D,have been taught为什么这道题选D,怎么不选C,为什么不能选are taught 是at time like these还是on time like these 求 feint times like these mp3歌曲 we have T—shirts___all colors. we,all,in,colors,T-shirts,$5,esch,for,have把以上单词连词成句. I don't have time these days 改为同义句 He doesn't have free time these days.(改为同义句) He__He doesn't have free time these days.(改为同义句)He___ ___ these days. I am going home this afternoon 现在我很少有时间看电视 These days i_ _ have time for the movies 我的英语成绩一直不好,我不知道怎样才可以提高? 我不知道以后怎么发展现在社会别看这么繁荣,但是人与人之间都是勾心斗角,虚荣.只做替人加油,或是上菜,打领带的工作 广告诱惑我们买车子,买衣服 于是拼命工作买我们不需要的狗屎 我生物不好,成绩在50分左右,我想在短期内提高,一做就错 我现在不知所措,我不知道怎么样提高初三数学成绩怎么办,帮帮我好吗?谢谢了!快帮帮我吧! 翻译:我不知道如何提高自己的英语 新加坡的鱼尾狮用英语怎么说?还有就英语中的IN STYLE作何解.eg.I am crossing you in style. My grandfather doesn't like these songs .These songs are too long.还有你们谁有名师测控九年级上册英改为定语从句.My grandfather doesn't like these songs .These songs are too long.还有你们谁有名师测控九年级上册英语 COD与BOD的相关性能说明什么?正相关能反映水体中两者的来源相似主要成分相似吗?有没有文献支持? 参加工作了突然很想学英语,不知道从哪学起,上过大学,但是现在感觉自己英语水平只有初一的基础.可能还没到初一水平,音标也不怎么会,口语听力非常差,希望各路大神能给个学习的方法. we have much other activities.找错误,并改正 连词组句并英译汉 activities many other we have . We have many ()activities in English class A.other B.the other C.others