
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/29 12:35:25
“不早了”用英文怎么说 不早说用英文怎么说RT people's appearance depends on things called genes.genes are found in the cells of people's bosieespeople's appearance(外貌) depends on things called genes(基内).Genes ar found in the cells(细胞) of people's bodies,and they are passed on frome 什么是independance in appearanceThe avoidance of facts and circumstances that are so significant that a reasonable and informed third party,having knowledge of all relevant information,including safeguards applied,would reasonably conclude a firm 工农武装割据的中心内容是( ) A武装斗争 B土地革命 C发展革命根据地 D占据中心城市A武装斗争 B土地革命 C发展革命根据地 D占据中心城市 一艘船出现了一个漏洞,水以匀速入舱,当船员发现时舱内已经灌进出口一些水,如果用12人来舀水,3小时可以舀完;如果用5人来舀水,10小时可以舀完,现要求2小时把水舀完,需要多少人来舀? because I don‘t need it 啥意思 generous是什么意思 generous generous的中文意思是什么 outgoing generous是什么意思 generous,moody的含义 一道sat很简单的语法题!请大家帮帮忙! its cultural importance, the Daily Gazette 70 percent of its subscribers since 1920 and, by 1955, 200000 a year.答案是B, 我知道B错了,但是我觉得C也错了呀by +过去时间 不是要 林冲夜宿山神庙,听见外面有三人在说话,分别是 I need it!NOWwhat is the meanning of tessues?how many times the micorscope need to be to see a cell? No,I don't need to water it now.这句话怎么翻译好 I am in Suzhou now.if you want to learn English,you need to use it. 我查了工商局的网站,某公司注册资本1000.000000万元人民币到底是多少钱呀. 英语翻译注:应该是工地施工用语 为什么君权神授侵害了资产阶级和新贵族的权利还有就是为什么查理一世一度关闭议会,但是1640年还是召开议会希望筹集军费 求翻译!a customer site 1、有限责任公司注册资本的最低限额为人民币3万元一人的有限责任公司注册资本最低限额是10w,一次全缴.那3w是好几个人的投资吗!还有1、全体股东的货币出资金额不得低于注册资本的30%.能 股份有限公司的最低注册资本到底是500万还是1000万?依据是什么?做了两份题目,一份的答案是500万,一份的答案是1000万,上网找到的答案,一些是500万,一些是1000万,谁能告诉我到底是多少,依据是 one need only look at the world-renowned Joan of Arc and Mulan to see how exceptionally ladies coulone need only look at the world-renowned Joan of Arc and Mulan to see how exceptionally ladies could perform on the battlefield. my father`s traveled to another city 改为否定句 Inhibited in one direction,it now seems that the Mississippi is about to take another 英语翻译见问题补充,than the rest of the G7 nations put together,with only two economies,Germany and Canada,increasing factory employment at all.其中的那个than的用法是什么啊,since.than...还有后面的那个at all,increasing,求 Except for lack of money,he would have traveled to many places.这里的“to ”可以去掉吗? Being baddly wounded,the whale would die soon.这句中 being能否省去? 朱自清的《春》的文眼是什么? 师生之间的爱称为什么情?如朋友之间的爱称为友情,亲人之间的爱称为亲情 什么是平面设计中标志的抽象美