
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/27 14:16:32
many/much 表示许多时可以用在肯定句中吗? “无论何时睡觉”怎么翻英文?-----he-----to bed “越俎代庖”是什么意思? fishes 什么意思 fishes的意思是什么 color 不及物动词都是非谓语动词吗? 请问所有的及物动词和不及物动词都可转为非谓语动词吗?是否所有动词,都能用不定式,动名词,分词。请给出简单说明。另外如何判断非谓语动词而不用查字典,因为有些本身就是形容词 几道英语小题一.选择1.Jim is ill,so he is absent _____school.A.to B.from C.on D.after二.填空1.I have___(get) some interesting books.2.Jack is ___(tall)in his class.三.连词成句1.I,like,a,would,of,too,cup,coffee_________________________ 帮忙-------几道英语小题1.What ____ of person is somebody?A.kind B.form C.grade D.behaviour2.A play produced by Beijing Children's Art Theatre explores the topic ____ a boy's point of view.A.in B.to C.with D.from3.They often ____ 几道英语小题!He can _____ reading this novel in two days.Mr Wang is leaving _____ Dalian soon.I'll talk to him when he ______(return) to Beijing.We usually sleep for a _____ 122 days a year.Mary _____(shop)ever eats junk food.It is bad for 帮我做几道英语小题一、改句子中的错误1 This pair of pants are 50 yuan.2 Pleaes have a look these new clothes.3 This eraser is 1 yuan,and that eraser is 2 yuans.4 Does Alice likes strawberry ice cream?5 The nice yellow and green noteb 求英语高手做几道小题 亭子的特点? 亭子四周,绿树环绕,环境十分( ),是爷爷最爱去得地方 (用含有清字得词添)火速 Who taught ( ) English Was ( ) Mr SmithA.your; it B.your;that C.you; it D.you; he Mr Smith told me it was great use ___ English newspapers and magazines constantlyAread B to read C reading Dwas read答案是D为什么 Is he painting the bookcase now? No,he isnit,but he is going to paint the bookcase. 英语几个小题------I am going to the supermarket this afternoon.------ ______ you are there,please buy some biscuits这里为什么填While 而不是As?Most of students will feel terrified (at) the first time they go to school.为什么不能加 We soon bellieve what we desire? 如果是写日记really后面跟动词原型吗 英语小题1.My daughter ___ until she was thirthty.A.did not marry B.was not marry 2.On my table there was a dictionary ____ the cover is green.A.whose B.which C.of which 写出下列动词的第三人称单数 go buy eat get walk写出下列动词的第三人称单数go buy eatget walk take I am so happy.thank you and missing I want nobady 、nobady、but you "Eu quero fazer amor contigo"这句话是什么意思?译成汉语 Quebrar o Dia dos Namorados,Eu quero mor a sua melhor escolha! 鲨鱼和大象那个比较大?不要钻牛角尖~(比如 那成年象和刚出生的小鲨鱼比………………) 葡萄牙语para是什么意思para 好像是多重意思 我不怎么全部知道请说下 还有 por partido para sempre是葡萄牙语,中文意思是什么?三个字