
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/03 04:25:12
at presenr 和for the present请问2者在用法上的区别 我是商务英语的,教教我应该怎样背单词? BEC的词汇怎么记呀?觉得记单词好痛苦 in the present,at the present分别为什么意思?还有:in the present,at present,at the present这三个短语有什么区别?做题时应如何选择呢? 求 学霸帮我翻译一下划线词. 童年精彩片段赏析只需200字左右 童年这本书!200字就够,200,200字 英语选择题Most of the houses in the city () new.A is B are C being 由生命物质提供的能量叫做什么 I met my teacher at bus station yesterday.My teacher is very kind to me.将以上两个句子合并成带定语从句的主从句. 与“问”有关的词语与名言词语类似于“刨根问底”这类的 要字数少的 我们还得抄短文 snow white huntsman到底是什么意思 never come in without being 一个英语句子:They tend to learn a little of everything without choosing a preferred profession.They tend to learn a little of everything without choosing a preferred profession.Ylian种族介绍里的一句,“他们选择第一职业之前, ____in time ,little Franz was afraid of being scolded.A.Not having come B.Having not come请问为什么选A would you like go fishing whit me.like后加to吗 长征组歌 到吴起镇的意思 我英语一点也不懂.接单员、跟单员、单证员学哪个快点? 求文言文《高祖纳善不及》的解释. 学国贸的英语要考哪些证比较好呢 以骆驼祥子中的语句为例,解析作品的特点以“听着风声,祥子把头埋在被子里,不敢再起来.”为例,简析作品特点 单证员对英语的要求?我现在拿到了单证员资格证书,但是英语只有三级水平,我想请问现在在做单证的朋友,英语要多少才够用?如果我的英语不行,学商务英语好还是PET好点,你的回答教材里有! 请问单证员是不是一定要英语好啊? 用适当的疑问代词和关系代词填空1:______ is your car?---The red one in front of the tree.(不知道该用which还是where,感觉两个都行昂)2:The necklace ______ she is wearing is beautiful.(我觉得应该是填with或what 用适当的疑问代词填空____is the girl over My sister .____skirt is yours ,this one or that one?____shape is the apple?____is her name Her name is Janet.____do you need?____can you do?____pencil is this?____bag is red?____is your new English t 用恰当的疑问代词填空1.______is this?It is toy plane.2._____are our cots?Over there.3._____does yur father do?He is a postman.4._____is that girl?She is my sister.5._____shirt do you like?The blue one. 用疑问代词填空1._____bag is this it's ken's bag 2._____is it it's me3.___is better the blue one or the black one?4._____are you going to do i am going to go out for a walk5.____one do you like better?i like the blue one6.__is that in english i 有疑问代词填空.1.-()is you favourite subject?-English,of course.2.-()did you go to Tokyo?-By ship.3.-()are you in this club?-For half a year4.-()blouse do you like better ,the red one or the purple one?-The purple one. 那天有地球1小时活动我想参加地球1小时活动 我是一个自考生,学的是外贸英语,但自学了一点商务英语,请问我适合做外贸单证员吗?没有工作经验 用简洁语言概述骆驼祥子每四章内容 200字 英语翻译1.I would like some apple juice to drink2.I would like some apple juice3.Mimi is the cat name4.what about ( ) orange juice (括号里填什么)5.He often goes to swimming