
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/18 09:45:32
不知道怎么画图.我再把题目描述清楚些,在围墙的外拴着一头牛(如图所示)绳长8米,围墙长16米,桩距离墙角6米,牛能吃到围墙外的草多少平方米? 解脲支原体生长是什么意思 熟牛皮的缸,拴老虎的桩 是形容人的么? 大话2的老虎222?飞燕回翔的老虎222 本人现在玩五虎的哪个号?看了N多五虎对想念和大色狼的,也没占多大优势,输赢差不多.还有为什么五虎和想念杀的时候都有7剑的参与.为什么不全是5个五虎 ____humans die out in 2012? --- Maybe, But most of the scientists think it _____humans die outin 2012? --- Maybe, But most of thescientists think it ___ happen. A. Must, mustn’t B. Can, mustn’t C. Must, can’t D. Can, can’t 该选哪一 Do you like TITANIC?Maybe you like it,or you can't____it,but most people think TITANIC is great.1.stand2.describe3.leave4.find -Amazing!you ____wear slippers at work.-Don't you know it'S a fashion?为什么要选should —Amazing!You wear slippers at work.— Don’t you know it’s a—Amazing!why ______you wear slippers at work.— Don’t you know it’s a fashion?A.might B.should C.could D.would为什么选B?去掉why句意一样吗 my goodness!you - wear slippers at work!^^^^–My goodness!You ___wear slippers at work!–I`m sorry I forgot to change them for fear of being late.A.must B.can C.should D.may为什么选C 为什么歌神是张学友而不是刘德华啊.刘德华唱的忘情水,天意,爱你一万年等等好多好多都好听啊.张学友我只听过他唱的吻别和一千个伤心的理由还有你最珍贵.我感觉他唱的不如刘德华.为什 八拜之交 点头之交 布依之交 刎颈之交 莫逆之交 杵臼之交 车 笠之交 总角之交 竹马之交根据这些古人交友的所谓的‘等级’衡量标准您认为是甚么?您认为古人交友的最高等级是哪个?最低 I saw __boys at the cinema.A the both B many a C both the D the several为什么选C不选D? 刎颈之交、莫逆之交、金兰之交都有什么区别? These babies are the cat's 同义句 有一匹马看见一棵树绕了过去,有一头驴看见一棵树却撞了上去这是为什么? 除了八拜之交、金兰之交、莫逆之交、君子之交、忘年之交还有什么古代交友称谓? 管鲍是什么之交,如莫逆之交,八拜之交,生死之交 Many old ----------(lady )are dancing in the park 适当形式 英语翻译如题 五年级同学去游公园,途中有一条河需乘船过去,若每只船坐10人,则还剩4人,若每只船坐12人,则多空出1只船,五年级一共去了多少人? clearanced to line up and take off take off the part where the line is and do the coil again.翻译 we decided to limit the number of gifts based on your immediate family size.意思 “dancing out on the Can you tell me the ______ to the nearest (最近的)Metro station? Can you tell me the ______ to the nearest (最近的)Metro station?A: Sure. Go ________ this ________, and take the _________ turning on the _________. The station is in front of I go to the Dancing club()every Tuesday A\B to C in D at dancing is my h .whenever the music is playing,i can't h dancing to it.my mother taught me to dance when i was 6 years old.at the b ,i got a lot of injuriesbecause my movements were w .later,i went to a dance class and learned from a professional dan was,swam的原形是什么? SWAM代表什么焊接 用英语回答 Merci beaucoup~Je crois que je suis comme 谁能帮我翻译一下, 英语翻译You probably don’t pay much attention to vending machines (自动售货机),except when you’re thirsty or want a quick snack.Usually you can only choose from a small selection of drinks and packed snacks.In other words:boring and not