
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/11 23:07:18
the teacher said that we should learn form each other.是定语从句吗no one knows who broke the window.是定语从句吗 usuallu,what time,Peter,does,school,to,get 乱词重组 跪求朱自清的春造句 朱自清在写《春》时,多处用了比喻,如写桃花、杏花、梨花,说他们“红得像火,粉的像霞,白得像雪”:写春雨,将它比作“牛毛”、“花针”、“细丝”.请你写两个比喻 按下列要求造句(跟朱自清先生写的《春》有关的,)摹仿下列例句造句1、春天象刚落地的娃娃,从头到脚都是新的,它生长着.春天象小姑娘,花枝招展的,笑着,走着.春天象健壮的青年,有铁一般 not only __study well but also he always helps pthers.1)did he 2) does he我也许2啦 但答案是选1 But he does not do ____ in his study.A,good B,well C,better ,D,nice Does,study,well ,always,English,he把这几个单词连成一句话 It is my first time to stand here.to stand here.这里做什么成分?是的话什么状语.你的意思是 动词不定式做后置定语? 我不是本地人.用英语怎么说 本地人用英语怎么说?还有本校生,应届生用英语怎么说? 同意句:Where does your grandpa live went to和visited to的区别 i went to china.对i提问这两种都可以么?1:who did go to china .2: who went to china ?第二个为什么 what time--the students---(meet)at the gate? 英语改错 Must i finsh my home work at school No.you mustn't 用简单英语解释下列句子1.My uncle is going to leave for Shenzhen tomorrow2.The plane didn't take off on time.第一题的那个leave不是代表方向性的词语吗?它不是应该用现在进行时表示将来时吗?为什么它那里用i One day after work ,I was driving my two son home 改错 英语选择题-Who will be __ duty tomorrow?-Susan will.-Who will be __ duty tomorrow?-Susan will.A.at B.on C.for D.in 怎么Susan字典查不出来?是人名? 武汉人 用英语怎么说? What time does your sister usually go to school?谁能帮我分析下主谓宾,每个单词的成分吗? 亲爱的武汉人 用英文怎么说? what time does your sister usually go to school 这个句子中为什么会有两个动词 武汉人经常互相辱骂 这句话用英文怎么说? 首字母填空This is the first time for Helen to visit China.She hopes visit china a() the first time,for the first time,at the first time 怎么区别?(我不太懂语法,可否讲得通俗点.) 陈涉世家中“若为佣耕”的为的解释. 谁有英语演讲过 Bob stayed at home last sunday and did everything except_____clothesAwashBto washCwashingDwashed为什么选A Except 不是介词吗 Could you tell me when does the plane leave?(改错)到底是什么 为了新中国,他们抛头颅洒热血,这样可以说吗. 等位基因,非等位基因是什么?两个有什么区别?举个例子. 为了祖国抛头颅洒热血的革命烈士?