
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/05 09:38:07
连词成句you in do store bags sell your 英语翻译同义句转换1.I'm sure you will have fun at the party2.Some parents put pressure on their children to study3.What do you think about his point of view?4.Famous actors earn big money every year5.People can't be only intorested in posses 1.There will be less pollution in the air in the ftuture(改否定句)2.last weekend our teather asked us to clean the classroom(改为被动语态)3.Hurry up!the plane will_ _(准时)on time 根据注释,句意及首字母填单词"For those who have never been to Tibet,Tibet is a (梦想);……“请各位写明理由(句子的意思什么的) 英文题{初中水平}各位不好意思,题量稍稍有点多但还请你们耐心帮我想想.格式:最好是在复制下来后在原来的空里回答.当然只是最好,可随便.用适当的介词填空NO.1:You can see many stamps ( 1.Tina is twelve ,Mary is twelve ,too.(合成一个句子) ______ Tina ______ Mary ______ twelve. 回答以下昆虫是否有趋光性:金龟子、蟋蟀、鼠妇、蚕蛾、蟑螂星期一要交,尽快回答, 英语翻译 AB的PLC中,有这些数据类型:INT DINT SINT REAL BOOL . struct complex { int real,unreal ;} datal={1,8},data2;则以下赋值语句中的错误的是A)data2=data1; B)data2=(2,6);C)data2.real1=data1.real; D)data2.real=data1.unreal; 用英文写个笑话1.写的笑话必须是适当合宜的,并且不可作人身攻击2.必须是原创,并且达到娱乐他人的目的3.使用叙述性语言技巧(例如:比喻,夸饰的语言修辞手法4.要30字以上今天10:30分前需要. 中国熊猫是国宝,哪外国的那些国家呢?有没国宝这一说法? 文章结尾有哪些特点?这样写有何妙处?最美是荷花绽放的心 初秋的一个中午,丝丝缕缕的阳光从大朵大朵白云中透出,清灵、透明,仿佛触手可及.绸缎般柔软的风在荷塘上空荡漾.片片荷叶闪烁 分析文章结尾的妙处 《家乡的月饼》作者:柳萌“它们如同当地的人,朴实无华而亲切呀.” 庆五一征文初中的不要太多够400今天就要 如何叠餐巾 篮子餐巾的折法 fool you never knoow i care about patient啥意思 笑话的英语是什么?注意!是写在英语手抄报的标题上的!是joke还是jest? 英语同义句转换1.Not only his wife but also his children were invited to the party .His children ------ ------ ------- his wife were invited to the party.2.I hope you can put up a solution to this problem as soon as possible.I hope you can ---- 鲁滨逊在岛上生活有哪些条件? have an ache on还是 in hisleft leg 还是其他的什么,求解. I have an ____ in my head.I have a backache.同一句转换 主谓一致I think you are the only one of those peole who ( )for the positionA fit B fits Carefit Disfit i have an ache in my tooth(改为同义句) i ( )( )( )( ) Heart ache breathes中文什么意思 heart ache to see you again 我的铅笔是红色的,她的是绿色的用英语怎么说?是递进关系还是转折关系? 用频率副词和星期写一段话(英文啊)速度啊!用频率副词:always、often、usually、sometimes、never星期:Monday、Tuesday、Wednesday、Thursday、Friday、Saturday、Sunday写一段话.不要那么高水平的要小学6年 求甲斐田的The ache of my heart罗马音标~ 选单词填空:What doyou_____in spring 1.give 2.get 3.make 4.wear 5.visit 《how to make cake 》怎么写?(用英文)60个单词