
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/16 21:37:08
用a,an,the或者\填空1.There is()water on the floor.2.There is()orange on()desk.3.What do you know about()pandas?4.l want to have()chicken for dinner.5.There is()fish in the bow.Look!lt can swim very fast.6.There is()'m f(x)=3sin(x+20°)+5sin(x+80°)的最大值是多少”旺财他主任”大哥,我看不懂啊~ 已知y=3sin(x+20)+5sin(x+80)求最小值如题 课文《丰碑》将军的特点 HDU 1039Problem DescriptionPassword security is a tricky thing.Users prefer simple passwords that are easy to remember (like buddy),but such passwords are often insecure.Some sites use random computer-generated passwords (like xvtpzyo),but users have hdu 2008统计给定的n个数中,负数、零和正数的个数.输入 输入数据有多组,每组占一行,每行的第一个数是整数n(n hdu 2039#include#includeint main(){int t;int flag;float a,b,c,max,min;while(scanf("%d",&t)!=EOF){ while(t--){ flag=1;scanf("%f %f %f",&a,&b,&c); if(a+ba+c){max=a+c;}}else{max=b+c;if(max>a+c){max=a+c;}}if(fabs(a-b)>fabs(b-c)){min=fabs(a-b);if(min 2546程序2546的代码,第17行至28行之间的循环是做什么用的,#include#includeusing namespace std;int main(){int n,m,i,j,a[1050],b[1050];while(scanf("%d",&n)&&n){for(i=0;i hdu acm1564Problem DescriptionNew Year is Coming!ailyanlu is very happy today!and he is playing a chessboard game with 8600.The size of the chessboard is n*n.A stone is placed in a corner square.They play alternatively with 8600 having the first move The films were in Su Hai bag just now.改错 how wants to bhy the cards in the bag 对in the bag 提问his uncle would like a fruit cake 对fruit 提问what other things do you want what( )do you want 二次函数中,选择题里让判断的比如2a±b与0的关系等常见题型,做题思路是什么? Did you put your bag down,or was it in your hand?Did they take your passport?准确的中文意思 二次函数问题,老师说2a+b与1比,2a-b与-1比这是什么意思,怎么算出来的 懒得做了, 476除以476又477分之476简便计算 请写出简便过程 翻译:别担心,这次比赛我们赢定了.(in the bag) 476除以476又477分之476简便计算 0.476+0.254*16的简便运算 用所给的词填空 1.There are_____days in April.Today is the________day of this month.(30) 女生英文名Kayla、Eve 那一个更好? November 2nd is __________second day of this month.(a,an,the,不填)选括号里的词填空 用所给词的适当形式填空 September is the _ (nine)month of the year. 翻译:What day is the second day of this month? 填冠词(a、an、the或/).题在补充里.I saw --- boy walking across the street today.---- boy was almost hit by ---- car.---- car was speeding.---- policeman saw what happened. ---- policeman stopped ----car. He gave ---- driver of ---- car -- 一棵苹果树在花园里是 an apple tree in ()garden.括号里填an/the/零冠词?为什么 用冠词a,an或the填空.1、----------ruler is green.2、This is---------book.---------book is Grace's.3、Look at----------cup.It's------------black cup.4、It's----------orange is orange.5、what's that?It's---------English dictionary(词典) 请用适当的冠词(a,an,the)或“不填”填空.1.Is that ____egg or ____apple? 2.We have ____car.____car is old. 3.This is my____pen. 4.Where’s____classroom,please? 初一英语冠词a.an.the填空1.where is the car?It's in__car park.2.could you lend me some pens?there are some on__deask,over there.3.do you like the exhibition?do you mean__one in__Arts Centre.4.could i borrow your car?i'm sorry.i don't own__car. 必修二政治知识点(人教版) 我知道“刷子李"的“李”是他的( ),他的工作是( ),本文只要写他( ).也是23课的刷子李啊. 刷子李一课,最后一段话怎样理解220字以上