
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/05 20:04:27
the file is either damaged or wasnot installed correctly.Please uninstall then installing it again实况2011的,我试了好多方法了,我在斗蟹下的 What a pity!I missed meeting my boss at the airport because my car was ______ in the traffic jam.A.broken up B.kept away C.held up D.kept up 2.I missed meeting my uncle at the airport( because_I_took_a_wrong_bus.)强调()部分 while it is socially unacceptable for people not to be able to read and write,it is still acceptable for women to say that they are "hopeless" at maths. this is the day for our two peoples to rise to the heights of greatness which can build a new and better world请翻译并分析! Their core proposal is for a strategic initiative in IT research which would over a five-year period,see federal support increase by $1.37 billion a year. 翻译 英语 Intrigued,he took them into the kitchen and,much to the annoyance of his wife,washed the mud off them in the kitchen sink.1)请问Intrigued这个词在这里是什么成份?如果是句子,那么句子其余的部分是什么?2)he took them into 请问有没有能人之士帮我想个,有创意的标语,大意是“不要乱动别人的东西”谢谢了,跪求!比较有创意点的 谢谢!或者 幽默点但是又不是新意! hehe. 一旦采纳加赏20分以上! 我是在办公室但 关于不能乱动别人东西的作文或阅读分析 鲁迅原名是什么? 鲁迅原名 鲁迅的原名? 我们即将进行辩论校赛,辩题是手机是拉近还是疏远了我们的距离.而且多提提想法,两辩都说,越多越好,集思广益, What should we eat very litlle of?用英语作出回答. 哪里可以找到what should we eat的英语作文,大学水平1.Food,like air,is essential to human beings.-----------------------------2.But some foods can be harmful to some people.-----------------------3.The choice of food has become more and m what we should eat in summer? Who does this book ___ ___?满足两个所填词组成的大致句意为:谁是这本书Who does this book ___ ___?满足两个所填词组成的大致句意为:谁是这本书的主人? I (w )across the road very carefully 1.We must across the road carefull.2.Mary will g1.We must across the road carefull.2.Mary will get there by the bus.找出下列句子中错误的单词或词组,修改正确 On the table we see lots of friut()apples and bananas.A.like B.for C.about D.with 短一点(⊙o⊙)哦 "英年早逝"中的"英年"是什么意思 "我怎么知道?"的英文翻译 埃及王子 十句经典句子长一点. 单控开关l1l2分别接红线黄线? 第二次世界大战中,反法西斯主要大国之间在军事上集合总有斗争.下列实物中,最能反映这一情况的是( )A.一枚铸有苏美英国旗和1944年6月的纪念币B.一份1940~1944年租借法受援国及物资的清单 英语翻译 the country was an island that enjoyed civilized living for a thousand years or more with little接着上面的___from the outside world.A.irritationB.disturbance为什么选A 不选B 用for 或者since compression 时钟SET开关是什么意思