
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/02 00:20:00
英文名字,vivi 和vivie,哪个好.?我中名叫威威.是男孩,这两个不知道哪个好点,请大家给点意见.,或是还有更好的名字读音比较相似的, 谢谢,```~~不怎么喜欢你们给我取的,我姓王,在麻烦给改改吧.. 英语翻译xiexe 谁来帮我解答英语?All of us found_____difficult to work out the maths problem A it B that C which D what _____the computer is aproblem A where to use B what to use C Row to use D how to use it I don't think he's so great,but my mom______ A do This shoes are 100dollars.(改为同义句)______ ______ ______these shoes is 100dollars. 英语翻译:you and me brotha through laughter and tears 同义词转换1.These are shorts pants.These pants ( ) ( )2.This box is small.This box( ) ( )1.These are shorts pants.These pants ( ) ( ) 2.This box is small.This box( ) ( ) 3.How much is the pencil?( )the( )of the pencil.4.Let's have a look .Charcoal was ______ used in blast furnaces(高炉).A.the chief fuel B.the chief fuel that我的问题是为什么不用that啊.不要说是凭语感.要从语法的角度透彻的讲讲吧.最好也讲讲到底什么时候能用that.什么时候不 新东方的英语好是众所周知的,但那里的数学怎么样啊,有谁学过吗?有在新东方学习过数学的同学,帮忙提提意见啦. 初一英语同义句填空Your daughter looks beautiful.Your daughter looks_____ _____.一线一词(共两条横线) 有没有人暑假去新东方补习英语呢?成果怎么样 this is apen(改复数) 2.those are my choes(改否定句) 3.what's mr fang (改同义句) 新东方的数学物理补习好吗 ?新东方全科补习好不好 ,有没有上过的.初二的 .详细点。please 用英文怎样回答 HOw is your father? How is your English class 的回答 Miss but miss you 求最经典得翻译 这破电影真让我倒胃口.可以翻译成 the movie is lousy which really turns me off . 改错 How many fishes can you see in the river? A.many B.fishes C.in ( )______ 姓彭的英文名本人姓彭,名字忠飞,请大家帮我起一个英文名,本人今年25了,想用一个好的而且和自己名字相近的英文名. 我姓彭,帮我取个好听的英文名.在公司里都要有英文名,取个好听的,又好叫的...我是女的 有关表达公共场所的英文词组 英语句子请判断哪个是状语1.We occasionally saw him walking along the river bank.2.We’ve just sent a challenge to the other groups.3.They may succeed,you never can tell.请问这3句哪个是状语? Tickets for the movie are six dollars for adults half of price for children.改错. our tickets for the film还是of the film还是其他什么? How many ________ can you see on that table?A.milk B.salt C.vinegar D.cups of tea 判断下面英语句子中哪个是状语1,he will come tomorrow2.he is working now3.he works at this factory三句话中哪个词是状语呢? 给我公共场所的英文单词 要27个 骆驼祥子中祥子买过几次车?到底那次被孙侦探拐骗的算不算?毕竟祥子还没有真正地买上车啊?为什么要把那一次算进去?如果不算那一次是不是就2次了?具体哪些能不能列举一下呢? 我想成为一名优秀初中英语教师,我该从哪些方面努力?我的口语不是很好 且普通话也只是在二甲的水平 我想成为一名优秀的英语教师 请问需要从哪些方面努力? 喜欢黑夜胜过白天的人的性格是什么样子的啊? 有首歌开头是:别说厌倦了城市间别说迷恋黑夜谁知道这首歌名 英语中状语有哪些?怎么判断? his last name is green.