
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/04 05:09:24
ti的音标 wanted的发音 其中音标中的id是独自发音还是ti发一个音 action 中 ti的音标 lucy has to stay at home all day,____?填hasn‘t? I want to do to a place _______ I can relax myself.A.whereB.whichC.whenD.there Do you want to know myself?这句话语法错了吗?如果错了给我解释下.还有How soon will you arrived there?为什么how long不可以?How long will you arrived there In ten weeks He smiled________me._________a rainv dav I like to stay at home. 用y l u b o c组成一个单词 转学后以前学的新目标英语变成新概念英语,开学跟得上进度么?我是初二的学生,下学期转到外国语学校,我知道教材是新概念的。但我以前学的是新目标,突然学新概念能否跟得上老师的 Why do you want to leave 英语翻译Does the SUPPLIER/ carrier train its security personnel to recognize and report anomalies,which indicate possible involvement in drug trafficking or terrorism by its employees and those that indicate that employees are vulnerable to crimi 英语翻译Physical Access Controls1.Does the SUPPLIER/ carrier operate a structurally sound cargo facility constructed of material that resists unlawful entry?2.Does the SUPPLIER/ carrier have an established security system for access to and from,f 22°C-26°C英文翻译 新概念英语3和普通高中英语教学有什么区别吗我新概念2没学过 基础不是很好 找一个老师帮我补普通高中的内容我妈妈让我去跟老师学新概念3 Country of Origin / Aquisition / Procedence:请问除了第一个是原产国的意思,这是到巴西的货物单据,请有经验的指点 请问这首歌My Country 'Tis Of Thee'的歌名怎么译? 《country of territory》翻译成中文! like the name of the country的翻译 英语翻译กูเหนื่อยเหี๊ยๆอ่ะไอสัด ออกไปจาชีวิ ---Where is my English book?----I___it for you tomorrow.A.get B.got C.to get D.will go to Where will Betty visit tomorrow? 英语 急:Why did you move to the countyside Because the heavy traffic in the city is too(n )括号里为n打头字母 the commission is 3% of the net invoice amount after reduction of discounts. 有关仓库管理的四个名词请知道的朋友帮助解答一下:Inventory Turns \ Inventory Net \ Inventory Gross.Inventory Hit\ operation,以上五个词是都是有关仓储方面的,最好是有详细的来源和说明, Purchase Terms are NET**days 是什么意思 where( )do you want to visit A othewhere( )do you want to visit A other B other place C else D anther 这题选啥? Who can tell me that the foreigners like to surf china's purchase group? Shareholder's Mandate 和 Purchase Mandate 是什么意思呀?中文翻译是怎样的?那么the Share Purchase Mandate 是什么意思呢? State Statistics Bureau是什么意思是不是国家统计局的意思 英语翻译一个箱子的上面贴的单子标题是这个,应该是专有词汇.比如:原产地证明之类的东西. money是可数名词吗? 写出下面这些字作姓时的读音仇曾宁查