
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/03 17:49:20
我们回来的时候改乘圣玛洛船,以免再遇见他.文章结尾有什么深刻含义? 现在时什么时候,这里的工作多么重要,我哪能离开呢?把它改成陈述句! 英语翻译我认为在爱情中我们应该彼此互相包容对方的缺点,发现对方的优点,有了争执先从自己身上找错误,理解对方的心思,互相信任互相包容,珍惜爱情,且行切珍惜. 募字能组什么词?意思是什么 根据意思组词会:A 明白 懂得( ) B接见( ) C大都市( ) D 能( ) 观:A 景象或样子( ) B 看( ) C 对事情的认识或看法( ) where does she like to live in? 解放战争时期,他为太行山革命根据地的发展和创立,立下了汗马功劳0(改病句) 修改病句 解放战争时代,李爷爷就参加了革命工作. 小虎同学的病很快恢复了. 爷爷是抗日战争时期参加革命.(改病句) 在表示过去式的时候,如果前面有was/were,后面的动词用原形还是过去式? this is the school where/in whicn i studied five years ago.可以变成 that i studied in five ago吗?this is the school where/in whicn i studied five years ago.可以变成this is the school that i studied in five ago吗?或this is the school i stud This is the school ____I studied three years ago.A.where B.when C.that D.which求解析 hope,wish作名词可数吗?This is the school (in which)where I studied five years ago.This is the school (in which)where I studied five years ago.中in可以调到studied的后面吗?The library is a place (which/that) is quite ahd comfortable.中 This is the school_______I studied three years ago.A.where B.which this the school___I studied three years ago为什么? we china people are kind to others是什么意思 We ___ ( china )people are kind to others 用所给词的正确形式填空.People in the city_____ (speak)Chinese.标准答案说是speak,但我觉得是speaks,到底是啥?请讲原因及答案, 爸爸每天工作都很沉重是病句吗 Chinese people,good kind of .你们说这句话是正确的英语呢还是中国式英语?这句话的意思是:中国人,好样的。 爸爸每天工作很沉重.修改病句 修改病句:爸爸做事 一向武断,在工作岗位上 取得了可喜的成绩 修改病句:1.爸爸妈妈工作很忙,我时刻都为他们做力所能及家务事. 作文网 我以什么为骄傲?要700字 太阳自传么,公转么 Miss Wu taught in this school ( ) .A.for ten years B.ten years ago C.ten years D.for ten years ago 太阳高度的变化是公转还是自传引起的?请具体说明 he taught in this school for 10 years.对for 10 years 提问. Miss Gao___this school since 1996.a.has come to b.came to c.bas been in d.has taught Miss li has taught in our school since 2001.Miss li has taught in our school___ ____ ____. 暑假里一件有意义的事,结尾照应开头,开头:我做了一件非常有意义的事.写游动物园的 暑假里难忘的一件事开头结尾.不要俗不可耐,只要开头和结尾,非原创不合作,偏长点.