
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/14 05:21:19
When I came back,I found the house _____ and everything _____A.was broken; took away B.broken into; taken awayC.had been broken; taken D.break into; take away When he came to life ,he found himself_____ on a chair ,with his hands tied back..A sat B sitting 选B 为什么, When the patient came to life ,he found himself( )by a group of doctors and nurese.A.surrounding B.be surroundedC.be surrounding D.surrounded 响沙湾 用英语怎么说?是内蒙古的陆游胜地响沙湾,这是一个沙漠. — We are going to have hiking trip to the Hengshui Lake.Would you like to join us?— _____.A.Yes,it's very kind of you B.Of course not.I have no idea C.Oh,that sounds unbelievable D.I'd love to,but I have a meeting today There is no water in the pool There is no water in the pool的同义句是什么 英语问题30为什么不选A 英语改为否定句 There is some water in the glass 英语题There is_____water in the boottle.There is_____water in the boottle.a little of C.a few D.a bit of 英语翻译"英语小报"翻译过后是什么? 英语小报翻译成英语应该怎么写 “奥运英语小报” 英语翻译越快越好! 非常谢谢你能看到这里.用英语怎么说? ( )It can swim in the water的意思 f( )lt can swim in the water括号里填什么?kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk f( )lt can swim in the I can swim in the pool.(对划线部分提问)in the pool “英语小报”用英文怎么写? 英语翻译相传Bano二十一岁时与Shah Jahan结婚,她婚后与Shah Jahan同甘共苦,行影相随,一六三一年,Bano在跟随Shah Jahan南征时,因难产而死,当时年仅三十九岁 求英文译文(不要用谷歌或有道等词典译出来的,那个谁都会),谢谢了时尚就是在特定时段内率先由少数人尝试、预认为后来将为社会大众所崇尚和仿效的生活样式.简单地说,顾名思义,时尚 将中文翻译成英文google和有道词典感觉都不是准确,求个比较准确的中文翻译英文的软件 iphone 4 有道词典 google翻译 哪个好用 we had fun (swim) in the water yesterday aft They had fun _____(learn) and _____(speak) English yesterday after 英语补全句子:昨天医生告诉他多喝水 The doctor( )drink more water yesterday. 【英语】 Yesterday,we saw a lot of water ran down from the top of the hill,这句话有没有语病? 英语23题25题选什么为什么 我非常非常非常的感谢你们!就是 发帖文明说的 【而have 与been分开,只有疑问句的样子 英语选择练习23选什么为什么1 It was such a film ( ) I saw it yesterday.2 Don't talk about such things ( ) you don't understand.a which b that c as to d as 英语23题为什么选B?