
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/07 02:26:01
百慕大到底是怎么回事,百慕大的时空隧道真的有吗?真的有人穿越了几十年后回来没有老? 百慕大究竟是怎么一回事 楼兰王国 最繁盛的时期是那位国王 ? 覆灭的时期是公元几元年 百慕大是怎么回事 It takes enormous courage to make a departure from the tradition.行不,英语真心不好 英语翻译 please go out my dorld please go out --------(安静)?问-------上填什么?是quiet还是quietiy?求解释原因,形容词和副词的区分.本人现在就读初一. don't catch me ,please go out.中文意思 mile+=((double)minutes+((double)seconds/60))/5; 这个mile+= 松赞干布是尊称么?就像成吉思汗一样,松干赞布是什么意思? Go ahead,please. Go ahead ,please.和Not at all.的区别 I’m interested in that chair.How much do you want for it?-$25.00.-________A The chair is really nice.B That's too much.C Please sit down.D Nobody will have it except me. l have visited Australia with my parents.(就画线部分提问)Australia 是划线____ have you visited with ____ parents ___Jam___his parents have visited a few interesting places since they came to China.A.Neither;nor B.Neither;orC.Not only;bet also D.Either;or为什么题目中的have不用has? shorus competition 我是自由的英文怎么说 百慕大三角之谜解开了吗 连词成句 was,have,a,computer,he,did,Mike,when,a,boy(?) 挂起的近义词是什么? assault、 my firends and i are p(------) a party now my father and my mother are make bedclothes.这句话是病句吗?是又怎么改? without charge意思相近的词语 --can we enter the park now? ---sorry, anybody can't go in without ___.It's not free of charge.without后要填permission还是填ticket这道题的标准答案里填的是permission,但对这一答案我个人有怀疑,所以拿来讨论 有无国内段国际机票这句话是什么意思 挂的近义词是什么,什么 It is so ( ) outside ,I can not see anything Anything dose not understand the 翻译英语Anything dose not understand the age,is doomed the lonely heart pain Why does the writer not understand the porter?为什么不用why doesn't the writer understand the porter? bullshit和blah的区别rt 在实际生活中和情感的表达上两者有什么不同?和其他方面.区别讲讲