
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/01 21:55:53
MADE IN KOREA 翻译中文 he asked his doctor to tell him whether his operation had been successful这个句子的问题!successful前面为什么加been?过去完成时不是had+过去分词嘛,可不可以变成……had succeed 求原因, 英语翻译many drops of make an ocean 翻译成中文是指哪个成语? he asked his doctor to tell him whether his operation had been successful把这句话改成直接引语的正确改法 BUSINESS ENGLISH 谁有rihanna的《stay》的歌词?最好是中英的. 英语翻译Tokyo Trading Co.Ltd是我行的主要客户.渴望在你地探求几家对日本纺织品感兴趣的可靠的进口商.随函附上该商号(即公司)的情况简报,附件表明该商号经营出口业务稳妥,在海外经营成绩 英语翻译Objective Results-orientatedTime-bounded 在商务英语中. 寻英语作文,题目"business english in business"用英语写出来最好,多点商务英语在商务中的作用! 英语翻译combined turnoverbenchmark barometeradvise investors to cut stock exposure to under 50 percent of their portfolios还有shares set to climb but correction later the wind is blowing这句话是系表结构还是主语加不及物动词句型. How many values does a color have in the model CMYK?翻译+回答如题.我觉得是4。。但是那个a color是什么呢?这问题到底嘛意思= =在CMYK模式下一种颜色有多少值?我头晕= = How much does the fish weight?翻译 加强自身修养的名言警句.要加强自身修养的名言警句 16.He became a successful actor ______ his father never was.( that ) ,请分析为什么不能用who 个人修养方面的古语 急需,拜托了 He became a successful actor ________ his father never was.A.who B.whom C.that D.when 个人修养方面的古语,拜托了 it was said that his father___A.has died B.died C.has been dead D.had died为什么不能选B,而且表示两件过去的事情,不是要先 过去完成时+过去时?这里为什么是过去时+过去完成时? 有关个人修养的名言佳句,来几条紧急, he asked that his father liked watching soap operas哪里错了 有关“治学、立业或加强个人修养”等方面内容的名言警句.有哪些? 蕾哈娜 what's my name独唱版heishe004@163.com谢谢 2011nba 中场蕾哈娜唱的歌叫什么,我知道有only girl和What's My Name.我想知道4分钟多时的那个“tonight”“tonight”那个. 4minute what's your name歌曲空间链接 求有关business ethics的视频 求有关Business ethics的名言…如果不好找关于Ethics也行. (1/2)翻译:Pop Or Popular Music Singers Make On The Car Radio As Pop music is A.popular to B.popular with C.popular into D.popular in young peoplein many countries. POP music和 POPULAR music 指的意思是一样的吗?如果分类的话,算两种类型吗? michael jackson made money by singing pop singers 翻译 This piece of music is __________that piece.A.as popular B.not as popular as C.so popular as D.popThis piece of music is __________that piece.A.as popular B.not as popular as C.so popular as D.popular than选哪一个 为什么