
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/12 22:08:13
Sex play 怎么下载 I think i can forget you one day we use ears to____;we use ___to touch. 改错:We can use a TV set to send emails like后面加什么在什么情况下用like to do 什么情况下用like doing who plays father 和who play brother and sister 中的play为什么一个加s一个没有. 请问这是什么币种?那当时和现在折合人民币大约多少钱呢? $是什么币种 这是什么币种啊? 多币种是什么意思? Choose the most suitable answer1.___ moon revolves round ___ earth.A.X,the B.A ,a C.A,the D.The ,the2.There is ___ “N” in the word “English”.A.a B.an C.the D.X3.__ elephant is ___ useful animal.A.the ,an B.An,a C.An ,an D.A ,an4.To my surpris 比方说Do you know the man whom I met和This is a man whom I talked about .第一句whom是做整个定语从句的宾语,而第二句的whom是做介词about的宾语,注意是介词,那么”关于定语从句中关系代词作宾语可省略“ fill...和fill with...有什么区别? go after 追求的意思 可是这句怎么翻译呢where did Coyote go after his fur turned blue? 该怎么处理 鄙视的近义词是什么 依赖近义词 鄙视近义词 已知三角形abc中,ab=ac,角b=2角a求角的度数 Singular countable什么意思? Singular countable是什么意思英汉 singular 在三角形ABC中,AB=AC,若角A-角B=15度,求角A角B的度数没有图 Husband:after you graduated we officially love ()()you()()there?I can see a bag. 为什么英文单数singular和复数plural的后缀会不一样? like什么意思? 鄙视的近义词是? 火日子太阳能采暖怎么样 火日子太阳能采暖好用吗 After the speech,all the attendants had an open f____ for discussion.单词拼写 一个对你有感觉的女孩 怎么说?不用love like 这样的词.不用love like 这样的词.怎么说a girl who get sense with you Mr Smith ,____ of the boring speech ,started to read a novel .为什么填tiredbe tired of对……感到厌烦.be动词怎么没有了