
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/31 07:15:18
i ni more want to see the film(同义) i no more want to see the film.改写为同义句. 我的名字叫馨 帮我想个好听又可爱的英文名吧~我想要个英文名 怎么读的用汉字打出来吧 偶急用 i do not want to return any more啥意思 我想取个好听可爱的英文名字,我的名字叫贝贝,简单点的就好……最好是可爱点的!正常的那些什么ANGELE这些就不要了……BETTY用的人好多哦…… If you want to read more books,do to the city library.同义句转换____ ____more books,do to the city library. 我的名字叫刘念,13岁,想取个可爱好听点的英文名, There is ______air pollution here than ______.A.less ;another B.more ;in other areas并说说another 和other 的区别吧. 我要两个词组的英文名,男生的!最好多一点. 谢谢拉........The apples in this supermarket were i_.They were cheap.只要把”i”后面的单词写出来(根据首字母填单词!) Don't want to see you 求歌词:if you want walk out of the door ,i want never see you any more,baby don 't you know I …一开始是哼的 有点像艾薇儿的Happy ending 的前奏 但是比她的要抒情 I don't want to see the pock face any more “I don't see you..but I want to hear 写SQL查询语句:两张表(Student(id,name,sex),score(id,english,chinese,math))查询各同学的姓名,各科成绩,总成绩,并且逆名排序查询各同学的姓名,各科成绩,总成绩(查200到300),并且逆名排序 女王的英文是什么? 女王的英语是什么? My best friend could not come to the party,_____was a pity.选项:A.that B.it C.what D.which 空格处为什么是which,不是that. If my best friend judy goes to the party,____.A.so do I B.I do so C.so will I D.so I willWhich one?Why? I can still remember when I MET MY BEST FRIEND.完形原文 just found out that my friends were planning a biethday party for my best friend 新概念英语学到第几册能达到四级水平? North Pole 前面用什么介词?也就是说是at the North Pole 还是 in the......;on the .....还是什么的 湖南华莱生物科技有限公司会员编号为什么位数不同 怎样形成的 宝莱坞与好莱坞区别 People in this country always ___ (fight) for more land a long time ago.同上... Eveyone at the North pole was very excited were (be)you just now ( 用所给适当形式填空 ) They were in the library just now是什么时态? They were in the library just now.(改为否定句) 天空中的彩虹 英语翻译为 rainbow in the sky 还能不能翻译为 rainbow on the sky 彩虹岛RAINBOW交换卷是什么