
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/02 18:51:11
寝室没电了,等下去充电.用英语怎么说?充话费用英语怎么说?用翻译软件的别上来!英语专业的来回答下吧啊 ü 韵母跟声母j,q,x拼的时候,为什么ü上两点要省略? 用for 或since填空1. Jill has been in Ireland _________ Monday.2. Mr. Jason has been in Paris _______ three days.3. My aunt has lived in Australia_______15days.4. Margaret is in her office. She has been there _______7 o’ 有没有恐怖的网名(最好是繁体字)谢谢啦! Likes being too late猜1歌名同学问的,Likes being too late的意思是喜欢迟到.到底是什么?我猜是爱得太迟,对么? 恐怖的繁体字是什么 我总害怕离开,我总害怕离开的背影.翻译成繁体字 那爱 我怕了 的繁体字怎么写 卡里面没钱了可以充.英语怎么说 充值,用英语怎么说?-充钱到卡里比如,充200元到饭卡,充100元到电话卡 我想给我的手机充钱用英语怎么说啊很痛苦 才来到国外 翻译我手机没钱了,想要冲30刀 “谢谢我的世界有你的出现”用英文怎么翻译?要语法正确!不要翻译器翻译的! 英语翻译认识他的每一天都是回忆.这句. 用for和since填空1.I have been in Beijing_____there years.2.I have taught English_____years.3.What's wrong with you?I haven;t seen you_____last Sunday.4.It is three weeks_____I lert Beijing.5.We have built many factories _____1990. 用since和for填空 I have to____(wash) my clothes at home taday横线上填什么 英语翻译请不要用翻译器 英语翻译Just stop by when you've made a decision and I'll take care of it for you.. --___!I've passed my TOEFL test.--Fantastic A Got it B take care C Cuess what D Take it easy 一纵一跳是什么意思? tube 最近 热播的中都敏俊所有提到过的书名,如还有什么?最近 热播的中都敏俊所有提到过的书名,如还有什么?宝鉴的?求解答!所有提到过的书! "大半夜蹲在番峙坡上,丙子年围堰”出自哪些书? 英语不怎么好,这句话怎么读(英文)我在米花警局二楼 Can I Take You Home 歌词 来自星星的你第8集里.千颂伊晚上的时候读了爱德华的奇妙之旅都敏俊把时间给停止了说;重新开始打开了 . 来自星星的你第8集里千颂伊晚上的时候读了爱德华的奇妙之旅 都敏俊把时间给停止了请问为何要停止时间 tube是什么意思 You can take abus to go home改为同意句 英语翻译紧张而又忙碌的初中生活即将结束.在初中这一阶段中,我学会了许多,并且结交和许多朋友.我不再含羞了.我的老师,我的同学 对我的关心我会永远的记住.我祝愿他们永远开心.在校期 英语翻译Thousands of Mursi supporters demonstrated in cities across the country on what his Muslim Brotherhood called a "Friday of rage" against what they describe as a military coup that toppled Egypt's first elected leader a year after he took It is beneficial to us to read.还是It is beneficial to us for reading. It is_______to do exercise.very easyenough easytoo easyeasily enough