
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/01 21:57:54
谁能告诉我一条关于机遇是留给有准备的人的名言? 关于同步卫星——很不懂,能说就说,一些特点之类的,最好带原理—— “命运垂青有准备的人”是谁的名言. 求适合英语课堂演讲的美国电影.最好是青春系列的 John is about the same age as Tom.about是修饰is 还是the same age还是其他? Tom is the same age as me.为什么不用has而用is呢? CAD中空心字怎么做?要把这个画出来, CAD空心字体怎么把空心部分面积增大可能我问的不是很清楚,就是雕刻机要雕刻空心字,要的是空心的那部分,怎么让这部分变大 ***撑起一片天 英语怎么说?RT! 必修一 U5 elias story 全文 奶奶的 今天要背书 英语书忘带回家了 怎样和老师主动沟通 29寓言两则怎么概括主要内容 为什么要主动与老师沟通?语言文学性一点 你认为大部分学生不敢主动与老师交往的原因是什么 R(X)= {x属于U|R(x)包含于X},在这个式子中|两侧的描述对于整个R(X)来说是什么关系?就是不明白| 两侧是什么关系 数字翻译成汉字,967869342493692649369...别人发的,没看懂 把下面这些句子变成被动语态He often helps Tom when Tomis in troubleDo the workers build many buildingsDoes Kate sometime break glassesDo you always send a letter to Mr HuWhat does the teacher often tell the box to doWe cooked the lunch an 已知y是x的函数,z是y的正比例函数.当x=-2时,y=3;y=2×根号3时,z=2写出z与x的函数关系式带上步骤y是x的正比例函数 我当然能治好你的病的英语翻译 mum, where is my raincoat? oh .i forgot to tell you. it _____behind the kitchen doorA.would hang B.has hang C.is hanging D.hung答案是C,为什么?请高手指导,详细一些,谢谢 2.Could you tell us where the key ( )the door is?A.about B.to C.with D.for Signs on the door tell you ___ to go in or out.填whith为什么不行?填where 拼错了,是which Signs on the door tell you where you go in or out.改成简单句 请帮忙把下列句子变为被动语态形式 谢谢...1.Li Ming always takes care of the little girl when her parents are away from home.2.We will have finished the book by end of next week.3.They are building a new teaching building in front o 寓言两则:蚊子和狮子简要概括(蚊子和狮子)的故事情节 文艺的用英语怎么说 中的蚊子和狮子究竟谁是胜者?特此声明:1.这只是个娱乐问题.2.答案不唯一.3.说清原因. 求英语看图写话 《易经》第十卦 履 天泽履 乾上兑下 求解求解如有回答,可以增加金币 John is tall,and Tom is short.They look _______(不同). 适当形式填空,1.Today is his _______birtyday.(eighty)2.Tom can throw _________than I.(far)3.He started ________the piano at the age of four.(play)4.Children should do some housework.It is also a way of _______(relax) 5."It is never too late to l -Mum,where is my raincoat?-Oh,I forgot to tell you.It__behind the kitchen door.A.would hangB.has hung C.is hanging D.hung