
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/29 02:36:12
中文写作和英文写作有什么不同?分别从句子结构,措词,结构,这三个方面分析!用英语回答更好!我明天要讨论的题目是The difference between english writing and chinese writing? 针对英语写作中的中文式翻译怎么解决? fool的被动语态 神舟九号载人飞船发射成功,首次搭载女航天员升空,圆了华夏儿女一个嫦娥飞天的梦想.你想对女航天员说什么? 过去分词可以作谓语动词吗?过去分词不可以作谓语动词?那“完成态”和“被动语态”中的过去分词不都出现在谓语中吗? “method”怎么读.用中文描述.这个单词的意思是“方法” Don't take me for a Don't take me for a I love you very much,so you don't fool me 中文什么意I love you very much,so you don't fool me time limited还是time limiting?这个是什么用法?为什么? now you see 那样做是愚蠢的.___ ____ like that is foolish. 看电视用什么应用最好 手机看电视哪个应用软件最好用 foolish什么意思? you know it (A) Leo’s fortune(运气) in 2010Are you a Leo? Do you want to know your fortune of this year? Read on!You will have a lovely and peaceful year. You can become what you are becoming. Your love for pleasure and natural beauty will help you creat 英语翻译跪求新标准高职英语 实用综合教程第一册的课文翻译 英语翻译 英语翻译 英语翻译 it's my pleasure to service for you [急]!英语单词背不出!怎么提高记忆效率?五次默写四次不合格!11! 怎样提高英语单词的记忆效率?还有怎样提高听力练习?还有怎样提高英语改错练习? 谁告告我调研问卷的答案,就看电视讲座的那个就11月27日(星期日)早上7:00左右的张家口一套新闻综合频道演的讲座 如何提高记忆英语单词效率的研究 英语翻译并说明be done是什么意思用法 Why do students commit plagiarism and what can what can be done to avoid it?尽量用英语回答,中文回答也行. 请问三年学会英语,效率算快还是慢? 求高手帮忙改这篇雅思作文并评论指导~拜托拜托~Topic: Today, the high sales of popular consumer goods reflect the power of advertising and not the real needs of the society in which they are sold. To what extent do you agree or disa 自己写了篇雅思作文,题目是兼职工作的利弊,帮忙估计下分数并改正,For years,students have been seen as those who only just work and study in schools.But things have changed now.In recent years,taking a part-time job is becomin Universities should accept equal numbers of male and female students in every subject.To what extent do you agree disagree?In present-day society,there has been much discussion revolving around the issue of whether university should accept equal numb Topic:Some people think schools should only teach students academic knowledge.Others think they should also teach studengts to judge what is right and wrong.Discuss both views and give your own opinion.In modern society,education becomes a period whi