
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/15 05:02:42
写一个 兔子救小袋鼠 的故事不能少于250字,还要用上 丝围巾 小袋鼠 兔子 枯井 着几个个词,急, 翻译What part of watermelon is used as a vegetable? What letter is a part of vegetable? 惟弈秋之为听中的“为”是什么意思? 左鱼右时是什么字? 惟弈秋之为听的惟和听是什么意思?虽与之俱学的之和俱是什么意思?还有孰为汝多知乎的孰和知是什么意思?我以日始出时去人近而日中时远也的以和去是什么意思? 左鱼右是 怎么念请问这个字“鱼是” 怎么念?好像不念ti,也不念di >_ 左鱼右后什么字 左鱼右而念什么? 详情请看问题补充.翻译句子.We will take this dress.(翻译成中文)They're not for sale.(翻译成中文)这双鞋多少钱?(翻译成英文)10根香蕉15元.(翻译成英文)这件衬衫色彩很鲜艳,但太大了. 左鱼右同读什么? 找出下列句中的错别字,并在句后的括号内加以订正(1)他把自己吹得像一条鼓满了风的帆船,来势凶凶地向他走来,瞪着一双大眼睛,脸涨得通红.(2)他正抖作一团时,却听得豁的一声,一道金 找出句子中的错别字,订正在括号里.1.在清香的碧螺春荼汤里,我看到了江南明媚的春光.()2.秦兵马俑维妙维肖地模拟军阵的排列,在雕塑史上决无仅有.() 找出下列词语中的错别字,分别订正在括号内.湛称楷模( ) 平易进人( ) 倚丽多变( )消灾迷祸( ) 无暇翡翠( ) 高歌慢舞( ) 惟弈秋之为听是什么意思 惟弈秋之为听什么意思 单人旁加周念什么如题 谁能告诉我一个口字旁加个周念什么 并加走只旁是什么字? 走之旁加台 念什么? 言字旁加个周念什么 any of you,all of you ,each of you,part of the body "黏"字读什么?三个鱼又念什么? 怎么翻译:Part of the body where the arm joins the chest. 1.Jack seems ____than you ______ready for the exam.A.busy,to get B much busier,getting C busier,to get D.more busier,getting2.Ben invited us to take part in a party tomorrow evening .______Is tomorrow his birthday?A Why not?B What a good idea!C What Q1.I don't know ( ) A.whom to go there B.with whom to go there C.which one she likes best .D.to go there with whom 可是我觉得BC都可以 Q2.The funny man usually dresses up ( )a clown.正确答案是like 可是我觉得like 和as都可以 谁可 The only thing .we could do was to ask the police for help.A.whatB.whoC.thatD.whom选C,为什么,另外,could能换成can吗?为什么能,为什么不能?-------------------------------Could you tell me .for class yesterday?-Because my bike was broke 1.He was tired and in class.A.get to asleep B.got to sleep C.went to sleep D.wake up 2.In China,people like giving expensive gifts to .A.someone slse B.slse someone C.other someine D.someone other 1.——I don't care what my parents think.——Well,you _______.A.might B.could C.should D.would (这题完全看不懂,啥意思哈)2.——You look unhappy.What's wrong with you ——The final exam is coming.I am worried about my test ______ P 详情请看问题补充.翻译句子.这些是西红柿吗?(翻译成英文)这些是什么?(翻译成英文)这里有多少头牛?(翻译成英文)他像马一样迅速.(翻译成英文) 饭这个字的部首还能组什么字 左边一个饭字旁 右边一个伤去掉单人旁 是什么字左边一个饭字旁 右边一个伤去掉单人旁