
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/11 02:48:06
为了展示同学们学习,关注科学的收获,班级准备举办一次模拟科技新闻发布会.小刚同学家里没有电脑,到你家后没有上网查阅资料,却想要打网络游戏,你会怎样婉转拒绝他呢? 为了展示同学们学习,关注科学的收获,班级准备举办一次模拟科技新闻发布会.小刚同学家里没有电脑,到你家后没有上网查资料,却想要打网络游戏,你会怎样婉转拒绝他呢? 北宋为何被金所灭?1、当时从制度上来说,北宋的制度可以算是接近封建制度的鼎盛时期了,而今才从原始社会做出来,迈进奴隶制啊,这么明显的差距竟然别灭了?2、经济基础这也不用说了,据说 so beautiful 北宋宰相蔡京为什么名声不好?RT他是王安石变法的支持者,是因为他拥立新法的原因么?还是因为别的事情? 蔡京是谁? 哪种物质不能在生物间循环 you are so beautiful! 1 tired,i,am,i,and,have,lot,of,a,headaches 2 must,try,eat,meat,less,to,you,3 petty,is,healthy,my,grandma,she,exercies,day,because,4 usually,she,starts,day,with,the,breakfast, Our teacher ______ (想知道)when we're going to have a meeting. could you ( ) go with me填空 ()填什么 填空 我感到很累,而且我头疼得很厉害.I'm very tired and I have ____ of headaches. The teacher tell us not to t____ waste paper in the ground 得之我幸,不得我命什么意思 “得之,我幸;不得,我命”出处,何意 得之我幸不得我命什么意思? 七大洲四大洋的英文各自怎么写? 得之,我幸;不得,我命 语出?有何寓意? 我得我幸不得我命是什么意思 nce存于句子中时,句子里第二个那啥词用过去式么就是I _____(study)in this school since Icame here填个studied? I ___(teach)Chinese in this school since I ____(come)to Nanjing. when we talk to our friends we should think of other's ___ (feel)填单词的适当形式 对画线部分提问 I can see many birds in the sky 画线部分是in the sky 有积雪融水的说法吗,积雪融水与冰雪融水有什么区别, 梁山好汉几次打败 童贯 高俅 用所给词的适当形式填空:Can you__(see)some birds inthe sky I needn't remind you of that terrible tie you bought yesterday.of 后面的那个为什么是这样的顺序,就是先说那条难看的领带再说你昨天买的,而且of后面两个描述没有介词可以? i needn't remind you of that terrible tie.You don't want me to( )that terrible tie,A.recall you B.remember you C.make you remember 此题答案是C,可是我不懂为什么C对,而其它两个不对, I need't remind you of that terrible tie you bought yesterday改成I need't remind you of that you bought terrible tie yesterday I need not remind you of that terrible tie you bought yesterday.帮忙划分句子成分 I need remind you of that terrible tie you bought yesterday.3Q 海陆变迁的主要原因