
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/03 16:18:19
Many people have hobbies,such as singing,dancing ,painting,reading,playing sports and looking after animals .中文 Many students have hobbies (because hobbies can make them grow as a person).(括号部分提问)_______ _______ many students ________ hobbies? It is said that the picture of Arthurs house was taken by Arthur_________.A him B himself C themselves 第二次世界大战历史总结一个根源,两个不平衡,两个争夺,一个经济危机,一个新政,两个战争策源地,三次突然袭击,九大战役,一条世界反法西斯统一战线,四个会议.两重性质,三点历史意义.分别 Do you know what Amerricans call autumn?T【 】 call it "fall".按首字母填空 中国在东半球吗? 林林做了一个圆柱形的灯笼.高30cm,直径20cm.上下底面的中间分别留出了78.5cm2的口,他用了多少纸?麻烦也写一下公式 people on that island have many different and interesting ways of ______ thingsa .to do b.do c.doing d .does 句子改错:In fact,people have different ways eating different food.改错,急呀 林林做了一个圆柱形的灯笼.上下底面的中间分别留出了78.5平方厘米的口他用了多少彩纸? 林林做了一个圆柱形的灯笼(如图).上下底面的中间分别留出了78.5平方厘米的口,他用了多少彩纸?(圆柱形灯笼)直径20厘米, 林林做了一个圆柱形的灯笼 上下地面分别留出了78.5平方厘米的口 他用了多少彩纸 she was late for he english class this morning.how come?,he never came this morning怎么翻译how come?as far as i konw...... 帮忙解决一道证明题:先凑合着以( ) 代表绝对值符号.(a)< 1 ,(b)< 1 ,试证明:(a+b)/(1+ab) < 1 帮我解决一道证明题~已知:关于X的一元二次方程(a-c)x*x+(c-b)x+(b-a)=o有两个实数根.求证:2a=b+cx*x(x之间是乘号)两实数根相等 帮忙解决一个证明题问题是已知一个四边行与它的外接四边行,四条对角线交于一点,要证这两个四边行是平行四边形. The bike____last year.a.bought b.has been bought c.was bought d.had been bought.选哪个?我觉得是c,因为last year不是一个时间段,但答案是b,我就费解了~请问高手们为什么答案是b.thank John bought his bike at the end of last year =John—— ——his bike ——the—— of last year 改写 She demanded that he ( ) her the money he borrowed form her.A returnedB returningC should returnD returns sportsman all over china went to nanjing to ______the 10th national handsa last october.为什么填attend不是take part in?是national games 以"It is over a year now since Cthya came to china"的阅读 She kas been to Beijing_______(two) since she came to China.括号里填什么 Mary is_____the police station(警察局),but she can't ______it. 一个圆形餐桌的直径是2米,它的周长是多少米?面积是多少米? 一个圆形餐桌面的直径是2米,它的周长是多少米?它的面积是多少平方米?如果一个人需要0.5米宽的位置就餐,这张餐桌大约能坐多少人? 圆形餐桌面儿的直径是2米,它的周长是多少米,它的面积是多少平方米? 请帮忙做一道证明题,已知RT△ABC,∠C=90°,D为BC边的中点,连接AD,过C做垂线CE与AD交与点M,与AB交与点E,连接BM,求证:∠ABC=∠BMD.) the iberians是什么意思 牛津进阶英汉双解词典和中阶英汉双解词典的区别? 牛津进阶和高阶词典那一个更好?区别在哪? the professional是什么意思 如何判断句子里哪些是主语,谓语,宾语主语,谓语,宾语,组成一句话