
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/13 03:47:39
请你为家乡的某一特产写一句广告词我家乡是宁波!可以是奉化水蜜桃或者其他的. 为家乡的某一特产设计一句广告语,我是福建福清的,最好写光饼的广告语 初二作文550字写猫(谁来帮我写啊?) 初二作文成长的代价550字 从教室到操场的作文啊 初二人生 自立自强 论文(550字左右)不要太多的字,适当. Yesterday she cleaned her bedroom well(bedroom后加介词) 作文 什么的眼泪 700字 (伤感的 伤心的 幸福的.都可以)急需星期一要交(3月28) 要的是(高兴的 伤心的 幸福的眼泪 不要跑题) he cleaned his room yesterday对cleaned his room 提问 作文题目叫泪水,(喜悦,悲伤,懊悔) 要求450字拜托各位了 3Q 眼泪在生活中有激动的,有伤心的,有高兴的,以眼泪我内容中心写一篇作文,题目自定 关于眼泪的伤感句子 眼泪不是泉水,但眼泪教会了我怎样爱人 形容很伤感,黯然泪下的词或者诗句 You didn't go to my younger brother's birthday party,did you?No,I____(invite) 荷花的文化300字左右!要托物言志的! 要一篇500字左右初二学生写出来的托物言志的作文 记住是初二的别弄的像高中一样 我没那水平啊 呵呵 谢谢 She always gives us ----(太)too much homework 初二作文往事如歌650字 she (do)homework every day.he (do) the dishes now 翻译句子:The man that brought our textbook here yesterday is in the next room. could you tell me when would you be visiting XXXX为什么不用when will Could you please tell me when Paul----abroad?B.goesC.went答案是C,我觉得是B.各位的意见是.-------Sandy---Sue can get a chance to take a study trip in Britain ,but they can't both take it.A.botj andC.Either ..or我觉得是A.,答案是C. you won't go to Kay's wedding party,will you?Yes,___invited.A even ifB if C unlessd as为什么? If you don't go to the party,I won't go___.A.so B.too C.either D.also 陀螺为什么转而不倒把一块硬纸板剪成圆形,在圆心中插进一根火柴棒,这就成了一个小陀螺.捻转这个陀螺,它转起来以后就以一根火柴棍的尖足立着,转而不倒.要是陀螺不转,放在桌子上,它连 陀螺为什么不倒 为什么旋转的陀螺能不倒拜托各位大神 she has too---- homework this weekend.A much B many C some Da lot She has _____ money.She can buy ______ things A lots of,much B a lot of ,much C lot of,many D aD a lot of,lots of 世界上共有多少个国家,要精确精确 截至目前世界上有多少个国家? 世界上目前有多少国家